[net.misc] Kuhnemacs Mathematicsemacs and Computer Science

davidson (06/23/82)

Just as non-Euclidean geometry did not replace Euclidean geometry,
new computer lanuages (for example SmallTalk) are unlikely to completely
replace many old ones, for example LISP and APL, because those
languages are tightly based around a particular, mathematically
based model of computation.  On the other hand, I dare say that
hodge podges like FORTRAN, COBOL, C, ALGOL, Pascal, Ada, Modula-2,
etc., no matter how useful they may be or have been will not
survive indefinitely.  Even when very high level languages (in which
you concentrate on the what, not the how) become the rule rather
than the exception, I suspect that much of what we consider essential
(and much that we consider trivial) of today's computer science will
survive.  However, I think that this kind of mathematical nature is
much more apparent at the software level.  There is much less interest
in inefficient (but educational) hardware, than is the case with software.

Greg Davidson