[net.games.hack] New Amiga HACK

daveb@cbmvax.cbm.UUCP (Dave Berezowski) (04/12/86)


	There will hopefully be a SMALLER/FASTER Hack 1.01 for the
AMIGA very soon now. I have taken the posted source and recompiled it
under the Manx Aztec C compiler. Take a look at the results:

Lattice C version	260,544
Aztec C version		179,440 (31% smaller / loads in 2/3 the time)

	The Aztec C version also appears to be faster (generating
levels, game play, etc).  I say 'appears' as it sometimes crashes
after the 'I' (inventory) command is given. I believe that this is
due to transmission errors that occurred when the source was posted.
I am going to the horses mouth (John A Toebes are you out there?)
to get the original source and re-compile it. I'll let everyone
know as soon as I get a non-crashing version.

	John Toebes, please call me if your out there or mail me a 
return path to you.

	Regards,  David Berezowski (daveb@cbmvax)