[net.games.hack] MS Mouse Program for Hack.

simpsong@ncoast.UUCP (11/23/86)

*** Yep... it the line-eater. ***

Here is a Microsoft Mouse Program to drive hack. Of course this
will only work if you have an MS mouse... I use it to play 
PC-Hack 3.5, but if you dial-up from your pc, you can use it
to play any 1.0.3 hack...

Hopefully it will also serve as a simple Mouse program example
for those interested.
(I remember at least one request for MS mouse programs...)

Briefly, to make this work: do the following:

Install your mouse driver
Save it in a file called hack.def
Execute makemenu  "C> makemenu"
Tell makemenu the definition file is called hack.
Type: "C> menu hack"



#include disclaimer

-----  This is not shared.... and don't forget to remove my .signature. ---

BEGIN   master, general, master,lf,rt,up,dn

lf:     TYPE 0,75
rt:     TYPE 0,77
up:     TYPE 0,72
dn:     TYPE 0,80

master:  MENU   "Master Hacking Menu!",5,30,inverse
        OPTION "Cancel"
        OPTION "General Hacking Menu", general
        OPTION "Take it off, or Put it on!", dress
        OPTION "Attack Menu!", attack
        OPTION "Save, Restore, Options", options
        OPTION "M&M, Movement and Messages", movement
        OPTION "Miscellaneous Menu", misc
        OPTION "Help and Identify", help1

general:  MENU   "General Hacking Menu!",5,30,inverse
          OPTION "Cancel"
          OPTION "Inventory",inv
          OPTION "Quaff",qua
          OPTION "Read",read
          OPTION "Eat",eat
		  OPTION "Rest", rest
		  OPTION "Do the last command again", agai

movement: MENU   "M&M, Movement and Messages",5,27,normal
		  OPTION "Search for Hidden Doors", sear
		  OPTION "Go Upstairs <", upst
		  OPTION "Go Downstairs >", dnst
		  OPTION "No, don't hit my Dog.", no
		  OPTION "Repeat Previous Message", prev

dress:  MENU   "Take it off, and Put it on.",5,27,normal
        OPTION "Cancel"
        OPTION "Take off Armour",take
        OPTION "Wear Armour",wear
        OPTION "Put on Ring",put
        OPTION "Remove Ring",rem
        OPTION "Wield a Weapon",wield

attack: MENU "Attack Menu!",5,34,bold
        OPTION "Cancel"
        OPTION "Zap!", zap
        OPTION "Throw!", throw
        OPTION "Wield a Weapon", wield

options: MENU  "Save, Quit and Options",5,29,normal
         OPTION "Cancel"
         OPTION "Save",save
         OPTION "Quit",quit
         OPTION "Options", optionmenu

optionmenu: MENU "Toggle Options",5,33,normal
			OPTION "Cancel"
			OPTION "Pickup", pick
			OPTION "Silent", silent
			OPTION "Confirm Hitting Tame Animals", confirm

misc:    MENU  "Miscellaneous",5,34,normal
         OPTION "Cancel"
         OPTION "Look",look
         OPTION "Identify Previous Trap", trap
         OPTION "Teleport", tele
         OPTION "Engrave a Message", engrave
         OPTION "Apply a Tool", apply
         OPTION "Pay your Bill", pay
         OPTION "Name a Class of Objects {c}", call
         OPTION "Name an Individual Monster {C}", name
         OPTION "Pickup all you can carry", pickup

help1:   MENU  "Help",5,38,normal
         OPTION "Cancel"
         OPTION "Identify Object",iden
         OPTION "Identify Previous Trap", trap
         OPTION "Print a List of Discoverys",disc
         OPTION "Long Help",long
         OPTION "Short Help",shlp
         OPTION "Identify Current Weapon )",idweap
         OPTION "Identify Current Armour [",idarm
         OPTION "Identify Current Rings  =",idring
         OPTION "Count your Gold $",idgold
         OPTION "Option Help",opt
         OPTION "Version Number",vers

inv:  TYPE "i"
qua:  TYPE "q"
read: TYPE "r"
eat:  TYPE "e"
rest: TYPE "."
sear: TYPE "s"
upst: TYPE "<"
dnst: TYPE ">"
no:   TYPE "n"
prev: TYPE ""
agai: TYPE "a"

take:  TYPE "T"
wear:  TYPE "W"
put:  TYPE "P"
rem:  TYPE "R"
wield: TYPE "w"

zap:   TYPE "z"
throw: TYPE "t"

look: TYPE ";"
trap: TYPE "^"
tele: TYPE ""
engrave: TYPE "E"
apply: TYPE "A"
pay: TYPE "p"
call: TYPE "c"
name: TYPE "C"
pickup: TYPE ","

save: TYPE "S"
quit: TYPE "Q"

pick: EXECUTE epick,ent
confirm: EXECUTE econfirm,ent
silent: EXECUTE esilent,ent
epick: TYPE "O pickup"
econfirm: TYPE "O confirm"
esilent: TYPE "O silent"

iden: TYPE "/"
disc: TYPE "\"
idweap: TYPE ")"
idarm: TYPE "["
idring: TYPE "="
idgold: TYPE "$"
vers: TYPE "v"
opt:  EXECUTE option,ent 
option: TYPE "O help"
long: EXECUTE help,ent,lhlp
lhlp: TYPE "l"
shlp: EXECUTE help,ent,short
short: TYPE "s"
help: TYPE "?"


      Gregory R. Simpson       

UUCP: {ihnp4, seismo, decwrl, philabs, ucbvax}!decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!simpsong
CSNET: ncoast!simpsong@case.CSNET     
ARPA:  ncoast!simpsong%case.CSNET@Csnet-Relay.ARPA