info-kermit@ucbvax.ARPA (03/09/85)
From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B.ARPA> Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 8 Mar 1985 Volume 2 : Number 11 Departments: UNIX KERMIT - C-Kermit 4.2 ready for UUCPing from okstate Oklahoma State UUCP Information C-Kermit vs Line Locking (2 messages) C-Kermit Remote Host Commands vs Binary Mode (2 messages) MISCELLANY - Resonating Kermit Packets ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 7 Mar 85 23:40:01-CST (Thu) From: Mark Vasoll <> To: Info-Kermit Subject: C-Kermit 4.2 ready for UUCPing from okstate Well, pre-release version 4.2 of C-Kermit has arrived safely from Columbia and is ready for UUCP downloading. We are planning to post this version to Usenet's "net.sources" newsgroup tomorrow (3/8/85). We hope to prevent another outbreak of postings by providing this *one* posting while C-Kermit V4.2 is hot off the presses. We will take all possible precautions to prevent some overzealous mailers (or News handlers) from getting hungry. Please direct all questions and problem reports regarding this message, the C-Kermit 4.2 posting, and the UUCP Kermit Distribution service to the following address. Your message will be routed to the person maintaining the distribution at that time. Mail sent to my personal login will be answered, but could be delayed several days. Our UUCP line will now be available on a 24 hour basis. Unfortunately, we still can offer only one line.... Of course we would welcome donations of equipment.... :-) UUCP Kermit Distribution Assistance: UUCP: {cbosgd, ea, ihnp4, isucs1, mcvax, pesnta, uokvax}!okstate!uucp-support ARPA: Thanks, Mark Vasoll Department of Computing and Information Sciences Oklahoma State University ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 85 10:00:00-EST From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B> To: Info-Kermit Subject: Oklahoma State UUCP Information Here again is the information about UUCP access to the Kermit distribution from Oklahoma State U: UUCP access to the complete Kermit distribution is available from the Department of Computing and Information Services, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. You need to set up "okstate" as a site in your "L.sys" UUCP dialing file using the information listed below. You can then issue the following command on your system: uucp okstate\!/u/kermit/ck\* /usr/spool/uucppublic (this example will retrieve the Unix version of Kermit) I chose "/usr/spool/uucppublic" as the destination on your system since the destination must be WIDE OPEN (drwxrwxrwx) to everyone. You should not remove files from your uucppublic until the entire transfer is complete including any redials that are necessary. If you do remove some files our system may retransmit them, resulting in a higher phone bill for you. There are 2 files available that contain information about the entire distribution. We recommend that you retrieve these files first. They are "00readme.txt" which explains the file name conventions used, and "00directory" which is a complete listing (by name) of all files in the distribution. These files will enable you to choose the right files the first time to save those high dollar phone bills. -- UUCP Login information -- Site Name : okstate Phone number : (405) 624-6953 (one line only) Login name : uucpker Password : thefrog Hours : 24 hours per day, 7 days a week Problem : okstate!uucp-support (UUCP) reports : uucp-support%okstate@csnet-relay (ARPA) The phone number is for 300/1200 baud (bell compatible). The following is a sample L.sys line (\r is a carriage return). You might want to put a time restriction on Any. ("Any2100-900" in Illinois) okstate Any ACU 1200 405-624-6953 "" \r ogin: uucpker word: thefrog Just a few notes on how to best retrieve parts of the Kermit distribution using UUCP... - Install the proper L.sys entry and test it using the debugging option of UUCICO (-x). Repeat this step until you successfully complete a "no work" connection, this will verify that your L.sys entry is correct and will minimize frazzled nerves. - Retrieve the files `00readme.txt' and `00directory' with the following commands: uucp -c -d okstate!/u/kermit/00readme.txt /usr/spool/uucppublic uucp -c -d okstate!/u/kermit/00directory /usr/spool/uucppublic You will have to escape the exclamation point if you are using the C shell (i.e. ...okstate\!/u/kermit...). - Choose the versions of Kermit that you wish to transfer and issue the proper UUCP command. Some systems don't seem to like wildcards, but in any case the wildcards will have to be escaped from your shell. The following command would retrieve the files relating to C-Kermit: uucp -c -d okstate!/u/kermit/ck\* /usr/spool/uucppublic PLEASE NOTE THE USE OF /usr/spool/uucppublic! Unless you *really* understand how UUCP's protections work you should not change this! A number of people have queued >100 files and had their systems refuse to store them in out of the way places. This results in wasted phone time! - If you are having problems connecting to our system PLEASE send mail to {cbosgd, ea, ihnp4, isucs1, mcvax, uokvax}!okstate!uucp-support - Kind words also make my day! Thanks, Mark Vasoll Department of Computing and Information Sciences Oklahoma State University UUCP: {cbosgd, ea, ihnp4, isucs1, mcvax, uokvax}!okstate!vasoll ARPA: [Ed. - This file is online at CU20B as KER:OKSTATE.TXT.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Mar 85 01:23:45 est From: Ken Yap <> To: Subject: C-Kermit vs Line Locking I like the new C Kermit but I wonder if a couple things could be made options instead of hardwired. The scenario: we use "tip" to do our dialing out, we are not even allowed to know the phone numbers. After reaching the other system and starting up a remore Kermit there, we suspend "tip" with ~^Z, then start up a local Kermit. Unfortunately the new Kermit gets in the way by: (1) checking for the absence of a lock file in /usr/spool/uucp and (2) requiring a "set speed" after the "set line" command. Could a new settable option called say, "pre-connected", be added to circumvent these checks? I believe others might be in the same situation. Thanks for a good piece of software. Ken ------------------------------ Date: Fri 8 Mar 85 07:51:07-PST From: Herm Fischer <HFISCHER@USC-ECLB.ARPA> Subject: Re: C-Kermit vs Line Locking To: SY.FDC@CU20B I like the idea of having a "preconnected" test. But that probably is a site-level thing, rather than a end-user level thing. I'd not like end-users able to set preconnected and then access lines in an unlocked fashion. So, I'd recommend some -D flag when compiling kermit for that, say an augmentation to make which adds a "-DPRECONNECT" flag when it is compiled. Of course, this is hip-shooting, and may need some tweaking to work... Herm [Ed. - Before putting this line-locking code into C-Kermit, the Unix experts (including Herm) involved had a lengthy discussion of whether and how it should be done. There are many issues, and many strong opinions; the readership of Info-Kermit was mercifully spared. The resulting code is a compromise, which, as Ken points out, doesn't work at sites that do not allow users direct access to the line or modem. Since this arrangement is likely to be site-wide, then Herm's suggestion is probably the best way out. Note that the goal of this line-locking feature is to prevent two (or more) processes (like uucp, tip, or kermit) from using the same line at the same time, for reasons of security and data integrity. At the same time, it is important that the line-locking feature not deny access to a line which is actually free. There is a fine line separating these two requirements, and strong opinions about which side to favor in ambiguous situations.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 8 Mar 85 13:28:31-EST From: Jeff Damens <US.JD@CU20B.ARPA> Subject: C-Kermit Remote Host Commands vs Binary Mode To: sy.fdc@CU20B.ARPA In the last Kermit Digest, there was a suggestion that commands like REMOTE HOST always do newline conversion instead of obeying the image (set file type binary) flag. This will make it impossible to use kermit as a filter for binary files - for instance, one might wish to pipe kermit output to a plot filter and issue the command "remote host graph | spline | ..." to generate a graph on a mainframe and plot it locally. A more general solution to the problem would be to allow the remote kermit to receive commands from the local kermit. Then the user could say something like "remote command set file type text" to change the image setting without connecting back to the remote system and restarting kermit. [Ed. - This is the "remote kermit" command, which has been in the protocol manual for a long time, but never implemented. Maybe next release... Meanwhile, the problem reported by Rusty Haddock in the last digest will not be solved as easily as I thought.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Mar 85 14:22:25 GMT From: To: Subject: Resonating Kermit Packets A few further points on pervasive packet duplication (or, for that matter, triplication etc.), following on Joe Smith's analysis in info-digest 10. This sort of problem (caused by network congestion, satellite delays etc.) is quite well understood by mainframe networking buffs. There are other ways it can get going as well as the route set out by JMS. Once started, with a Kermit-type protocol (which always retransmits on timeout), it is stable and will continue until there is a network error (which fixes it, since the lost packet will be replaced by its duplicate). The most authentic way to avoid it (without changing the packet-sequences) is to ensure that the sender, acknowledger and network have timeout/delay periods related so that: (2 * Tnet) < Tsend < (Tack - 2 * Tnet) for all expected values of Tnet. Unfortunately this is going to result in rather long delays when a send packet is lost unless Tnet is quite small (which it isn't). What happens on the network concatenation I use regularly (one X25 and one LAN with a low-performance gateway) is that there is a transmission delay in both directions, both ends time out, and there are then two complete sets of packets circulating. It so happens that I am dialling in to the X25 @ 300baud, so reception is quite slow. The modem lights show that reception is actually continuous, the duplicate ack being received while the next data packet is going out (the micro has interrupt-driven read). A simple and effective recovery mechanism is to flush the input buffer at the end of the block-transmit as well as at its beginning. This will destroy the head of the duplicate block, which is all that is needed. With variable network delay, it doesn't always work at once, but will in due course. There is a risk that this algorithm will destroy a needed block if the other end turns around very fast, so perhaps it's better as an option than always on. This way the timeouts do not need to be long, so recovery from lost data still takes place quite quickly. Note, incidentally, that if the micro was doing a half-duplex transmit, it would not see the incoming duplicate block; perhaps file transfer for micros should always be arranged to be in a pseudo-half-duplex mode! What seems essential to me is that the micro-Kermit keep its user informed of the arrival of duplicate blocks. Then at least he/she can either take evasive action or curse and start rewriting Kermit. Chris Kennington. ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 85 12:37:00-EST From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B> To: Info-Kermit Subject: Re: Resonating Kermit Packets Timeouts are a complicated issue. You want the timeout interval short enough to catch missing packets without inducing undue delays, but long enough to avoid spurious timeouts. In order to set the optimum timeout, you must know the speed of the communication line (the baud rate), the length of the packet being timed, the current network delay, the packet processing time (assembly/disassembly, data fetch/store), the load on the host, and maybe other factors as well. The problem is that not all of these quantities are knowable at a given time, and on some systems not at all -- for instance some systems provide no function to tell you the baud rate of a line. Network delays can appear and disappear suddenly, so a timeout adjusted on this basis will tend to be wrong at the endpoints of such events. A host which can monitor its load can adjust its own timeout accordingly (as DEC-20 Kermit does), but the Kermit on the other end has no way of knowing about this. A micro may have a small constant packet processing time for n K worth of packets, but when the next packet comes, it must take time out to dump its buffer to disk (CP/M-80 Kermit). Etc. The packet input buffer can be cleared at various times: 1. At the beginning of a transaction: Important for clearing out stacked up NAKs from an idle server. 2. Before reading a packet: Obviously a poor idea. 3. After reading a packet: Can't hurt. It will tend to work beneficially when the network delay or the remote system load is decreasing, and have no effect at other times. Most Kermit programs do this, and it is often sufficient for getting resonating Kermits back in sync. 4. Before sending a packet: Equivalent to the previous case, except that additional time has passed in processing the packet just received, so the likelihood of finding something in the buffer (like the beginning of an unwanted packet) is increased. 5. After sending a packet: The likelihood of finding characters in the buffer is still higher, but so is the likelihood that they will be characters from the packet you're looking for. The length of the switching delay between writing and reading is crucial. If the delay is negligible, it won't hurt to clear the input buffer after sending, providing the clear function can be executed quickly. If the delay is long, or unpredictable, then case 5 would be equivalent to case 2, and you'd never be able to read a packet. C-Kermit is an excellent vehicle for experimentation with these heuristics -- it's written in a high level language and runs on a variety of systems from small PC's to large timesharing systems, and the next release will most likely embody the results of our combined experience (experiments and results welcome!). ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest ************************* -------