[fa.info-kermit] Info-Kermit Digest V3 #7

info-kermit@ucbvax.ARPA (07/23/85)

From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B.ARPA>

Info-Kermit Digest         Tue, 23 Jul 1985       Volume 3 : Number  7

                    Kermit Sliding Window Proposal


Date: Tue 23 Jul 85 10:30:00-EDT
From: Frank da Cruz
Subject: Kermit Sliding Window Proposal

This digest presents a proposal from a group at The SOURCE Telecomputing in
McLean, Virginia, for a sliding window extension to the Kermit protocol
(if you're not interested in protocol issues, skip the rest of this digest).
Like other extensions, this one is designed for "upward compatibility" with
Kermits that do not support this extension.  It may be viewed as an
alternative to the long-packets extension proposed in V3 #4, or as
complementary to it.  The question raised by the latter proposal also applies
here: Is the cost in complexity worth the improvement in performance? --
complexity not only in program size and logic, but also in explaining the
options to the user: even when Kermit programs implement windowing, when and
to what degree should it be used?  When must it not be used?

The following proposal is not the only way to do sliding windows or to adapt
windows to Kermit.  The method outlined is certainly not cast in concrete,
although Leslie's group is working on some prototype implementations.  The
proposal is being put forth now to solicit ideas, suggestions, and opinions
from the world at large.  Some areas to think about include:

. What is the effect on the portability of current Kermit programs?  Since
  windowing implies packets flowing in both directions at once, it will be
  necessary to run separate input and output forks or else to handle packet
  i/o at interrupt level.  Neither of these techniques will be as portable
  as the simple input-output sequences now used by most Kermit programs.

. What will be the effect in the many and varied environments in which
  Kermit operates, and will operate in the future?  These include public
  networks, satellite links, local area networks, terminal concentrators,
  TACs, PBX's, high-speed full-duplex error-correcting modems, ATT 56Kb
  digital service, etc etc.  In some cases windowing (or long packets)
  could boost performance dramatically, in others it could prevent Kermit
  from working at all.

. Does the particular method suggested strike the best balance among
  improved performance, upward compatibility, and simplicity?  Are there
  obvious simple improvements to the proposed algorithms and heuristics?

. Can sliding (lurching) windows be done on half-duplex channels?  Are
  any modifications to the proposal required?

This digest will be followed closely by another, which will contain some
questions and answers about this proposal.  Please read both digests before


Date: Mon 22 Jul 85 11:29:46-EDT
From: Leslie Spira <OC.SOURCE@CU20B>
Subject: Kermit Sliding Window Proposal

                      KERMIT WINDOWING PROTOCOL

                         DRAFT SPECIFICATION

                Hugh Matlock, The SOURCE Telecomputing

                            June 12, 1985


The windowing protocol as defined for the Kermit file transfer protocol
is based on the main premise of continuously sending data packets up to
the number defined by a  set  window  size.   These  data  packets  are
continuously acknowledged  by  the  receive side and the ideal transfer
occurs as long as they are transmitted with good  checksums,  they  are
transmitted in  sequential  order and there are no lost data packets or
acknowledgements.  The various error conditions define the  details  of
the windowing protocol and are best examined on a case basis.

There are  five  stages that describe the overall sequence of events in
the Kermit protocol.  Three of these stages deviate from  the  original
protocol in order to add the windowing feature.  Stages 1 through 5 are
briefly described on the following page.  The three stages (1, 3 and 4)
which deviate  from the original protocol are then described in greater
detail in the pages that follow.


STAGE 1 - Propose and Accept Windowing

The send  side  requests  windowing  in   the   transmission   of   the
Send-Initiate (S)  packet.   The  receive  side  accepts  windowing  by
sending an acknowledgement (ACK packet) for the  Send-Initiate  packet.

STAGE 2 - Send and Accept File-Header Packet

The send  side  transmits  the File-Header (F) packet and waits for the
receive side to acknowledge it prior to transmitting any data.

STAGE 3 - Transfer Data

The sending routine transmits Data (D)  packets  one  after  the  other
until the  protocol  window  is  closed.   The receiving side ACKs good
data, stores data to disk as necessary and NAKs bad data.

When the sender receives an ACK, the window may be rotated and the next
packet sent.  If the sender receives a NAK, the data  packet  concerned
is retransmitted.

STAGE 4 - Send and Accept End_of_File Packet

As the  sender is reading the file for data to send, it will eventually
reach the end of the file.  It then waits until  all  outstanding  data
packets have  been  acknowledged,  and  then  sends  an End-of_File (Z)

When the receive side gets the End-of-File packet it stores the rest of
the data to disk, closes the file, and ACKs the End-of_File packet.

The protocol then returns to Stage 2,  sending  and  acknowledging  any
further File-Header (F) packets.

STAGE 5 - End of Transmission

Once the  End-of-File  packet  has been sent and acknowledged and there
are no more files to send, the sender transmits the End-of-Transmission
(B) packet in order to end the ongoing transaction.  Once the  receiver
ACKs this  packet,  the transaction is ended and the logical connection


The initial connection as currently defined  for  the  Kermit  protocol
will need  to change only in terms of the contents of the Send-Initiate
packet.  The receiving Kermit waits for the sending Kermit to  transmit
the Send-Initiate  (S)  packet  and the sending packet does not proceed
with any additional transmission until the ACK has been returned by the

The contents  of  the  Send-Init  packet,  however,  will  be  slightly
revised.  The data field of the Send-Init packet currently contains all
of the configuration parameters.  The first six fields of the Send-Init
packet are fixed as follows:

   1        2        3        4        5        6
  | MAXL   | TIME   | NPAD   | PADC   | EOL    | QCTL   |

Fields 7  through  10  are  optional  features  of  Kermit and fields 7
through 9 will also  remain  unchanged  as  defined  for  the  existing

   7        8        9        10
  | QBIN   | CHKT   | REPT   | CAPAS  |

Field 10  is  the  capability  field  and  requires  N  number of bytes
depending on the number of capabilities defined for kermit.   Each  bit
position of these 6-bit fields corresponds to a capability with the low
order bit  used  to  indicate  whether  or  not another capability byte
follows.  If the low order bit is  "1"  then  another  capability  byte
follows.  If the low order bit is "0" then the current byte is the last
capability byte.   The  second  through  sixth  bit positions represent
capabilities in the same way.  If a bit position is set to 1  then  the
capability it  represents  is present.  If the bit position is set to 0
then the capability it represents does not exist.  Currently, there are
only 3 capabilities defined for Kermit as follows:

    #1  Reserved
    #2  Reserved
    #3  Ability to accept "A" packets (file attributes)

The windowing capability will constitute a fourth  capability  and  the
fourth bit  of  the  capability  field  will  be set to 1 if the kermit
implementation can handle windowing.

    #4  Ability to handle windowing.

The remaining fields of the Send-Init packet are  either  reserved  for
future use  by  the standard Kermit protocol or reserved for local site
implementations.  The four fields following the  capability  field  are
reserved for the standard Kermit protocol.  We propose the use of field
11 to be used to specify the "Window Size" for all kermits

   11       12       13       14       15       16 - N
  | WINDW  | RESV1  | RESV2  | RESV3  | RESV4  | LOCAL Reserved   |

11. WINDW - The window size to be used encoded printably using
    the char() function.  The window size may range from 1 to 31

The sender  will  specify  the  window  size  it  wishes to use and the
receiver will reply (in the ACK packet) with the window size it  wishes
to use.   The window size actually used will be the minimum of the two.
If the receiver replies with a window size of 0 then no windowing  will
be done.


The sequence  of  events  required for the transmission of data packets
and confirmation of receipts  constitute  the  main  functions  of  the
windowing protocol.   There  are  four  main  functions  which  can  be
identified within this stage.  These are:

     - the sender's processing of the data packets,
     - the receiver's handling of incoming packets,
     - the sender's handling of the confirmations,
     - the error handling on both sides.

The following discussion details the specific actions required for each
of these functions.  Refer to the  state  table  at  the  end  of  this
document for  the  specific  action taken on a "received message" basis
for the full protocol.

   4.1 The Sender's Processing of Data Packets

   The sender instigates the transmission by  sending  the  first  data
   packet and  then  operating in a cyclical mode of sending data until
   the defined window is closed.

   Data to be sent must be read from the file, encoded into the  Kermit
   Data packet, and saved in a Send-Table.  A Send-Table entry consists
   of the  data  packet itself (which makes convenient the re-send of a
   NAKed packet), a bit which keeps track of  whether  the  packet  has
   been ACKed (the ACKed bit), and a retry counter.  The table is large
   enough to hold all the packets for the protocol window.

   Before each transmission, the input buffer is checked and  input  is
   processed, as  described  below.   Transmission  is  stopped  if the
   protocol window "closes", that is, if the Send-Table is full.

   4.2 The Receiver's Handling of Incoming Packets

   The receiver keeps its  own  table  as  it  receives  incoming  data
   packets.  This  allows  the  receiver  to receive subsequent packets
   while it is waiting for a re-send of an erroneous  or  lost  packet.
   In other  words,  the incoming packets do not have to be received in
   sequential order and can still be written to disk in order.

   A Receive-Table entry consists of the data packet, a bit which keeps
   track of whether a good version of the packet has been received (the
   ACKed bit), and a retry counter for the  NAKs  we  send  to  request
   retransmissions of  the  packet.   The table is large enough to hold
   all the packets for the protocol window.

   The different possibilities for a received packet are:

      1. A new packet, the next sequential one (the usual case)
      2. A new packet, not the next sequential one (some were lost)
      3. An old packet, retransmitted
      4. An unexpected data packet
      5. Any packet with a bad checksum

   These are discussed separately below.

   1.  The next new packet has sequence number  one  past  the  <latest
   table entry>.  The packet is ACKed, and the Receive-Table is checked
   for space.   If  it  is  full (already contains window_size entries)
   then the oldest entry is written to disk.  (This entry  should  have
   the ACKed  bit set.  If not, the receiver aborts the file transfer.)
   The received packet is then stored in the  Receive-Table,  with  the
   ACKed bit set.

   2.  If the packet received has sequence number  in  the  range  <two
   past the  latest  table entry> to <window_size past the latest table
   entry> then it is a new packet, but some have been lost.  (The upper
   limit here represents the  highest  packet  the  sender  could  send
   within its  protocol  window.  Note that the requirement to test for
   this case is what limits the maximum  window_size  to  half  of  the
   range of  possible  sequence numbers) We ACK the packet, and NAK all
   packets that were skipped.  (The skipped packets are those from <one
   past the latest table entry> to <one before  the  received  packet>)
   The Receive-Table is then checked.  The table may have to be rotated
   to accomodate the packet, as with case 1.  (This time, several table
   entries may  have  to  be written to disk.  As before, if any do not
   have the ACKed bit set, they will trigger an abort.)  The packet  is
   then stored in the table, and the ACKed bit set.

   3.  A retransmitted packet will have sequence number  in  the  range
   <the oldest table entry> to <the latest table entry>.  The packet is
   ACKed, then placed in the table, setting the ACKed bit.

   4.  A packet with sequence number outside of  the  range  from  <the
   oldest table  entry> to <window_size past the latest table entry> is

   5.  If the packet received  has  a  bad  checksum,  we  must  decide
   whether to  generate  a  NAK,  and if so, with what sequence number.
   The best action may depend on the configuration  and  channel  error
   rate.  For  now,  we  adopt  the  following heuristic:  If there are
   unACKed entries in our Receive-Table, we send a NAK for  the  oldest
   one.  Otherwise  we ignore the packet.  (Notice that this will occur
   in a common case:  when things have  been  going  smoothly  and  one
   packet gets  garbled.   In this case, when we later receive the next
   packet we will NAK for this one as described under Case 2 above.)

   4.3 The Sender's Handling of Confirmations

   The sender's receipt of confirmations controls the rotation  of  the
   Send-Table and  normally returns the sender to a sending state.  The
   sender's action  depends  on  the  packet  checksum,  the  type   of
   confirmation (ACK  or  NAK),  and whether the confirmation is within
   the high and low boundaries of the Send-Table.

   If the checksum is bad the packet is ignored.

   When the sender receives an ACK, the sequence  number  is  examined.
   If the  sequence  number is outside of the current table boundaries,
   then the ACK is also ignored.  If the sequence number is  inside  of
   the current  table  boundaries then the ACKed bit for that packet is
   marked.  If the entry  is  at  the  low  boundary,  this  enables  a
   "rotation" of  the  table.   The low boundary is changed to the next
   sequential entry for which the ACKed bit is  not  set.   This  frees
   space in the table to allow further transmissions.

   When the sender receives a NAK, the table boundaries are checked.  A
   NAK outside  of  the  table boundary is ignored and a NAK inside the
   table boundary indicates that the sender must  re-send  the  packet.
   The sender  first tests the packet's retry counter against the retry
   threshold.  If the threshold has been reached, then the transfer  is
   stopped (by going to the Abort state).  Otherwise, the retry counter
   is incremented and the packet re-sent.

   4.4 Error Handling for Both Sides

   Three situations  are  discussed  here:   Sender  timeout,  Receiver
   timeout, and invalid packets.

   If certain packets are lost, each side may "hang", waiting  for  the
   other.  To  get  things  moving  when  this  happens each may have a
   "timeout limit", the longest they will wait for something  from  the
   other side.

   If the sender's timeout condition is triggered, then  it  will  send
   the oldest  unACKed  packet.   This  will  be  the  first one in the

   If the receiver's timeout condition is triggered, then it will  send
   a NAK  for the "most desired packet".  This is defined as either the
   oldest unACKed packet, or if none are unACKed, then the next  packet
   to be received (sequence number <latest table entry plus one>).  The
   packet retry  count  is  not  incremented  by  this NAK;  instead we
   depend on the timeout retry count, discussed next.

   For either the sender  or  receiver,  the  timeout  retry  count  is
   incremented each  time a timeout occurs.  If the timeout retry limit
   is exceeded then the side  aborts  the  file  transfer.   Each  side
   resets the retry count to zero whenever they receive a packet.

   In addition, as with the existing Kermit, any invalid  packet  types
   received by either side will cause an Error packet and stop the file


There are  several  ways  to  end  the file transfer.  The first is the
normal way, when the sender encounters an  end-of-file  condition  when
reading the  file  to  get  a  packet  for transmission.  The second is
because of a sender side user interrupt.  The third  is  because  of  a
receiver side user interrupt.  Both of these cause the received file to
be discarded.   In  addition  either side may stop the transfer with an
Error packet if an unrecoverable error is encountered.

   5.1 Normal End of File Handling

   When the sender reaches the end of file, it must wait until all data
   packets have been acknowledged before sending  the  End-of-File  (Z)
   packet.  To  do this it must be able to check the end-of-file status
   when it processes ACKs.  If the ACK  causes  the  Send-Table  to  be
   emptied and  the  end-of-file has been reached, then a transition is
   made to the Send_Eof state which sends the End_of_File packet.

   When the  receiver  gets  the  End_of_File  packet,  it  writes  the
   contents of  the  Receive-Table  to  the file (suitably decoded) and
   closes the file.  (If any entries do not have the ACKed bit set,  or
   if errors  occur  in  writing the file, the receiver aborts the file
   transfer.)  If the operation is successful, the  receiver  sends  an
   ACK.  It  then  sets  its  sequence number to the End_of_File packet
   sequence number and goes to Rcv_File state.

   5.2 Sender User Interrupt

   Whenever the sender checks for input from  the  data  communications
   line, it  should  also check for user input.  If that indicates that
   the file transfer should be stopped, the sender goes directly to the
   Send_Eof state and sends an  End_of_File  packet  with  the  Discard
   indication.  It  will not have to wait for outstanding packets to be

   When the receiver gets  the  End_of_File  packet  with  the  Discard
   indication it  discards  the  file,  sets its sequence number to the
   End_of_File packet sequence number, and goes to RcvFile state.

   5.3 Receiver User Interrupt

   Whenever the receiver checks for input from the data  communications
   line, it  also  should check for user input.  If that indicates that
   the file transfer should be stopped, the receiver sets an "interrupt
   indication" of X (for "stop this file transfer") or of Z (for  "stop
   the batch  of  file  transfers").   When the receiver later sends an
   ACK, it places an X or Z in the data field.

   When the sender gets this ACK, it goes to  the  Send_Eof  state  and
   sends the  End_of_File packet with the Discard indication, as above.

   When the receiver gets  the  End_of_File  packet  with  the  Discard
   indication, it  discards  the  file, sets its sequence number to the
   End_of_File packet sequence number, and goes to RcvFile state.


   The Kermit windowing protocol, as defined in  this  document,  makes
   certain assumptions  about the underlying transmission and reception

   First, it must provide a full-duplex channel so that messages may be
   sent and received simultaneously.

   Second, it will prove advantageous to  be  able  to  buffer  several
   received messages  at  the  low  level before processing them at the
   Kermit level.  This is for two  reasons.   The  first  is  that  the
   Kermit windowing  level  of the protocol may take a while to process
   one input, and meanwhile several  others  may  arrive.   The  second
   reason is  to  support XON/XOFF flow control.  If Kermit receives an
   XOFF from the data communications line, it  must  wait  for  an  XON
   before sending  its  packet.   While  it  is  waiting, the low level
   receive must  be  able  to  accept  input.   Otherwise  a   deadlock
   situation could  arise  with  each side flow controlled, waiting for
   the other.


   The following defines the inputs expected,  the  actions  performed,
   and the  succeeding  states for proposed new Send_Data_Windowing and
   Rcv_Data_Windowing states.

   If both sides agree on windowing in the  Send  Init  exchange,  then
   instead of  entering  the  old  Send_Data  or  Rcv_Data  states from
   Send_File or Rcv_File,  we  enter  the  new  Send_Data_Windowing  or


   Rec'd Msg  Action     Next State
   ---------  ------     ----------

   No input/Window closed  (1) Wait for input     SDW
   No input/Window open    (2) Read file, encode packet, SDW
   Place in table, mark unACKed,
   Send packet

   ACK/ X or Z      (3) set interrupt indicator (X/Z)  Send_Eof
   ACK/outside table -ignore-SDW
   ACK/inside table (4) mark pkt ACKed,  SDW or Send_Eof
   if low rotate table,
   if file eof & table empty
      then goto Send_Eof

   NAK/outside table -ignore-SDW
   NAK/inside table (5) test retry limit,  SDW
   re-send DATA packet

   Bad checksum     -ignore- SDW

   Timeout   (6) re-send oldest unACKed pktSDW

   User interrupt   (7) set interrupt indicator (X/Z)  Send_Eof

   Other     (8) send Error Abort


   Rec'd Msg  Action     Next State
   ---------  ------     ----------

   DATA/new  (1) send ACK    RDW
   if table full: file & rotate
   store new pkt in table
   DATA/old  (2) send ACK, store in table  RDW
   DATA/unexpected  -ignore- RDW

   Z/discard (3) discard file     Rcv_File
   Z/ (4) write table to file & close    Rcv_File
   if OK send ACK, else Error     or Abort

   Bad checksum     (5) send NAK for oldest unACKed      RDW

   Timeout   (6) send NAK for most desired pkt    RDW

   User Interrupt   (7) Set interrupt indicator X or Z   RDW

   Other     (8) send Error pkt    Abort


End of Info-Kermit Digest