[fa.info-kermit] Info-Kermit Digest V3 #14

US.JD@CU20B.ARPA (Jeff Damens) (08/31/85)

Info-Kermit Digest         Fri, 30 Aug 1985       Volume 3 : Number 14


	Bug (?) in C-Kermit 4C

	Concurrent DOS KERMIT

	CMS Kermit Improvements?
	KERMIT-TSO and 7171 (2 messages)
	CMS KERMIT and Yale 2.0 (2 messages)

	More on sliding windows
	Kermit for the PRO
	Getting K11 on floppies
	6809 Kermit
	BTOS Kermit
	Kermit for TI 99/4A
	CompuPro KERMIT version wanted to work with Hayes Micromodem.
	CROSS and other queries
	Prime Kermit
	Plea for help
	Kermit over TELENET: Help Needed
	Kermit for Fortune 32:16
	Kermit on VMS


Date: 9 Aug 1985 1612-EDT
From: B.Eiben LCG Ext 617-467-4431 <EIBEN at DEC-MARLBORO.ARPA>
Subject: More "sliding WINDOWS"

The gist for micro's lays NOT in the fact, that they have [or haven't] an
interrupt-structure [infact having none is cleaner then having "something"].

The PROBLEM typically is the "floppy-controler" i.e FD17xx , which delivers
data "fast" enough , so that one has to TURN OFF interrupts during READ/WRITE
but SLOW enough to lead easily to character-loss during floppy-processing.

The typical coding sequence [very innocent] looks like
	Call Write/Read Sector
... that alone makes "sliding WINDOWS" impossible - since one eventually HAS
to write the stuff to the disk - and there's NO TRICK to stop the SENDER from
sending - except for "holding back ACKs" - and that takes away most of the
advertised speed-improvements.

Obviously the "sector-time" window is dependant on the media-speed [floppies
will be LOOSERs compared to winnies] and the amount of 'character lossage'
depends on the channel-speed [ at 1200 baud one might loose NOTHING , since
the window is about one char-time, and thats hanging around in the USART ...
at higher speeds it'll be one or more lost char's - i.e. a full NAK/resend
packet cycle ] - so as seen from the "innocent bystander" we now have
introduced a feature , which might "work for me" but "not for You" - i.e.
the same MICRO connected to the same Mainframe will "win" or "fail" depending
on storage medium and/or channel-speed == in my mind NOT A GOOD IDEA .


Date: Wed 7 Aug 85 17:58:06-PDT
From: Wing Lee <WingLee%ECLD@ECLA>
Subject: KERMIT-TSO and 7171

I hate to keep on bugging you about KERMIT-TSO and the 7171, but
my boss keeps on asking me if there is any news.  

This is our situation.  We installed the Series/1 version of KERMIT-TSO
on our 3081, in March of 1985.  Everything worked fine, and everybody
was happy.  In May, we replaced our Series/1 with an IBM 7171, so
that we could have more lines going into TSO.  That's when our
problems started.  Going through the 7171, we were able to
download but not upload.  When we tried to upload, the file transfer would
hang at random places.  When I used DEBUG mode to look at the packets,
I saw that the tranfer would always stop right after a file transfer.
As soon as I discovered this, I sent a message to Columbia asking for

In the meantime, we have put together a makeshift way to get KERMIT-TSO
to work.  On our 3081, we run both MVS/TSO and VM/CMS.  Our ascii interface
to TSO is an IBM 7171, our ascii interface to CMS is a SERIES/1.  We
have been able to have users who wish to do file transfer to TSO, to
use the CMS Series/1.  Then they would DIAL MVSA and connect to
our MVS system. 

That works. But now our Systems people are thinking of replacing the CMS
Series/1 with another 7171.  When we told them that this would disable
are ability to use KERMIT altogether, they said that our TSO KERMIT is 
not supported by Columbia, and we should not be using TSO Kermit on our
TSO system until Columbia has a supported version.  Thus we should not 
even have the package on our system.

My question is, does Columbia support the Series/1 version of KERMIT-TSO?

[Ed. - No.  We don't run TSO.]


Date: Wed 7 Aug 85 19:10:07-PDT
From: Wing Lee <WingLee%ECLD@ECLA>
Subject: kermit-tso and 7171

in my last message i said, that when uploading, the transfer stops
right after a file transfer.  i meant that the transfer stops right after
a bad packet.  i should have reread my message more carefully before
i sent it out.



From: Gary Mills <mills%uofm-uts.cdn%ubc.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: 6809 Kermit

Does anyone have a version of Kermit for the 6809 CPU, with Flex-9 or OS/9
operating systems?  C or assembler languages would be suitable.


Date:     Sat, 10 Aug 85 13:04 EST
From:     Larry Afrin <lbafrin%clemson.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject:  Bug (?) in C-Kermit 4C


	I just got the latest version of 4C a few days ago (the one
the Digest swore would be the "absolute last" release of 4C).  I compiled
it for a System V system, and the problem I noticed occurred when I
was "get"ting some stuff from SIMTEL20.  The files on SIMTEL that I was
transferring had names like ABCDEF. and GHIJKLMN.  (the point here being
that they're all upper-case, as you would expect from a TOPS-20 system).
I wanted to transfer them to my UNIX system and give them the same,
upper-case filenames, just without the dot.  I knew that if I told my
local Kermit "get ABCDEF." or "get ABCDEF", it was going to do some
funky translation of the name (for what reasons, I don't know; I just
remember seeing somewhere that Kermit adjusts filenames for the
"conventions" of your system, which in UNIX usually means all lower-case),
which isn't what I wanted.  So I figured I would just type in "get" and
let it prompt me for the remote filespec and the local filespec.  For
the remote filespec I entered "ABCDEF.", and for the local filespec I
entered "ABCDEF".  The transfer then started up ... "IRSF" and wham! my
local Kermit told me "ABCDEF. => abcdef", which wasn't what I wanted.

	My whole point here is, if Kermit goes to the trouble of asking
you exactly what you want your local filespec to be, shouldn't it
refrain from translating that name (in this case from uppercase to
lowercase)?  In fact, why can't the "get" command be set up so that
(1) if you don't give a command line filespec and it goes ahead and prompts
you, it shouldn't translate either the remote or local filespecs; and (2)
if you do give a command line filespec, it should be interpreted as the
*exact* filespec for the local system, but it should be "appropriately"
translated to make the remote Kermit happy.

	I'm not 100% sure that (2) is "right", but I do feel that (1) is

	Oh, yeah, one more thing:  Also during this transfer operation with
SIMTEL20, I tried this command: "get *.c".  Assuming my SIMTEL filenames
matching this spec were ABC.C, DEF.C, GHI.C, and JKL.C, this is what my
local Kermit reported to me during the transfer:

		ABC.C => *.c
		DEF.C => def.c
		GHI.C => ghi.c
		JKL.C => jkl.c

and yes, sure enough, my local Kermit really did create a filename called
"*.c".  Now, is this a bug, or did I just specify my "get" command

	Thanks for any info, advice, etc., you can provide.

					-- Larry Afrin
					   Dept. of Computer Science
					   Clemson University

Please send replies, if any, to:
lbafrin@clemson                         if you're on CSNet
lbafrin.clemson@csnet-Relay             if you're on ARPANet


Date: Mon 12 Aug 85 09:15:36-EDT
From: Bill Catchings <OC.WBC3@CU20B.ARPA>
Subject: BTOS Kermit

The best version of Kermit to work with for the Burroughs BTOS is probably
C Kermit.  I do not know for a fact that Burroughs supplies C for BTOS, but
Convergent Technologies (the maker of the B-20 series) supplies a C for CTOS
(The "parent" of BTOS).  My knowledge of BTOS is limited, but I believe that
CTOS and BTOS are pretty close.  The C for CTOS is pretty poor, based on
Mark Williams C, and the terminal/file transfer product that CT supplies is
terrible.  After 40 screens it starts over at the first screen.  Very annoying.
I plan to be working on a CTOS version of C Kermit in the next few weeks.  If
I succeed in getting one working it will be announced on Info-Kermit.  If not
you'll have to try yourself.

					-Bill Catchings


Date:         Tue, 06 Aug 85 19:58:34 EDT
From:           Peter DiCamillo  <CMSMAINT%BROWNVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject:      CMS Kermit Improvements?

The latest version of CMS Kermit includes features which make it very
attractive to users at Brown. These include support for Series/1
connections, binary data transfer, and server mode. As a result,
the Computer Center plans to recommend Kermit as the standard file
transfer program between CMS and  IBM PCs, Macintoshes, and other micros.
In evaluating CMS Kermit, we noticed that, as documented, server mode
only supports GET, SEND, FINISH, and BYE. This is very obvious to
the Macintosh user who has a menu of server commands, most of which
are not supported by CMS Kermit. Also, it would be useful to us if
CMS Kermit could preserve the date and time of files whenever possible.
Is any work planned or in progress to add these features? If not, I
may attempt to add them myself.

[Ed. - Kermit allows you to create the file on the destination
       computer with the same write date and time as on the source
       computer.  This requires however supporting attribute packet.
       At this time, CMS Kermit does not support attribute packets
       although it may do so in the future.  If you'd like to add the
       support, let us know so there won't be a duplication of effort
       on the part of some other ambitious soul. ]


Date: 14 Aug 1985 23:45-EST
From: Sanjay Kapur <kapur%tesla%sbcs.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: kermit for the pro

Is there a version of kermit available for the DEC PRO350 running 
the Professional Operating System? Where can I get a copy of it?

[Ed. - yes.  It's the k11 version, available on the distribution tape
       or in numerous other ways (see following message).]


Date: 10 AUG 85 12:04-EST

In Response to Kermit Digest re RX0x dist.

Getting K11 on various media

K11AAA.AAA     Updated 14-JUN-1985 09:22  Brian Nelson

Kermit-11 Edit history:  K11CMD.MAC
Kermit-11 Installation:  K11INS.DOC
Kermit-11 Documentation: K11HLP.HLP  (no separate user manual)
Kermit-11 Files:         K11FIL.DOC

Please note that while Kermit-11 uses RMS11 for all versions (RT11 excluded)
you do not need RMS on your system unless you opt to use the versions linked
to RMSRES (K11.TSK for RSTS/E and K11POS.TSK for M/M+ and P/OS).
For further information, please read K11INS.DOC

To get Kermit-11 and all the other Kermits:

  KERMIT Distribution
  Columbia University Center for Computing Activities
  7th Floor, Watson Laboratory
  612 West 115th Street
  New York, N.Y.  10025

There is also a fairly current copy of Kermit-11 available  from  DECUS,
order  number  11-731.  As  of June 1985 the DECUS library has Kermit-11
available on RX01's and RX50's (in RT and  P/OS  format).  Additionally,
the SIG tapes almost always have a current version on them.

To get Kermit-11 from the author:


800bpi          DOS-11 format
1600 bpi tape   DOS-11, ANSI or VMS Backup
RX01            RT format, binaries only
RX50            RT or P/OS (readable on Micro/RSX), delays are possible
                since I have only one PRO/350 and one hard disk.

For tapes,  VMS Backup format is preferred (default if not specified).
For RSTS/E, V9 Backup format is preferred. V9 backup is NOT compatible
with previous releases of RSTS/E, but IS compatible with VMS backup.

You must supply the media (extras are nice to offset the cost).

Brian Nelson
Computer Services
University of Toledo
2801 West Bancroft
Toledo, Oh 43606
(419) 537-2841   or   BRIAN@UOFT02.BITNET


                CP SMSG RSCS MSG UOFT02 KERMSRV SEND K11*.*

from VMS Jnet:  $ SEN/REM UOFT02 KERMSRV SEND K11*.*

 Columbia University maintains a BITNET Kermit server also,
username KERMSRV node CUVMA.  Command format is similiar to
the VMS KERMSRV on node UOFT01.


        (419) 537-4411
        Service class  VX785A
        User: KERMIT
        Password: KERMIT

Source and hex files are in KER:, binaries are in KERBIN:


Date: Mon 19 Aug 85 05:33:45-PDT
Subject: Kermit for TI 99/4A


    I  am  trying  to  locate  a  version  of  Kermit  for  the  Texas
Instruments 99/4A Home Computer.  I have been informed that one exists
or  is  currently  under  implementation.   I  would  appreciate   any
information that you may have regarding Kermit for the TI 99/4A.

Anthony Gargaro.

Date:     Mon, 19 Aug 85 12:23:44 EDT
From:     David Roth (Ft. Benj. Harrison) <droth@BRL.ARPA>
Subject:  CompuPro KERMIT version wanted to work with Hayes Micromodem.

We need help on getting a version of KERMIT for the CompuPro running
CP/M 2.2LD to work with a Hayes Micromodem 100 using the microcoupler.
We have the source to KER:CPMPRO.M80 from Columbia University but it is
for use with Compupro Interfacer 3/4.
Thanks in advance.
                                David A. Roth
                        US Mail:
                                USA Soldier Support Center
                                Attn: Mr. David A. Roth
                                Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN
                        COMMERCIAL:(317) 542-4298


Date: Mon, 19 Aug 85 13:44:28 edt
From: jax-lab!jng (John N Guidi)
Subject: Concurrent DOS KERMIT

I would like to run KERMIT on a Concurrent DOS, IBM PC/AT system.
Is there a separate Concurrent DOS distribution? If not, can one
use the PC-DOS KERMIT while running Concurrent DOS? If this is the
case, are there any caveates to keep in mind?

John Guidi
The Computing Service
The Jackson Laboratory
Bar Harbor, ME  04609
phone: (207)288-3371
uucp:  ...!decvax!unh!jaxlab!jng
bitnet: jaxlab@maine


Date: Friday, 16 August 1985  15:51-MDT
Subject:   CROSS and other queries


Could someone please point me to the documentation/instructions for
CROSS - the cross assembler available on some TOPS-20 hosts, and used
extensively for KERMIT applications.

[Ed. - Take a look in psb:<micros>cross.* on Cu20B.]

Second:  Is CROSS proprietary or public domain?

[Ed. -  I think it's public domain.]

Third:  What happened to CU20B as a host?  The KERMIT archives are out there
(Columbia University), and I saw the msg they were moving the archives to
another disk... but when trying to FTP to CU20B, I get an unknown host error.
Can anyone point me right?

[Ed. - Cu20b underwent some disk reshuffling, but it should be back online
       now. ]

Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall


Date: Tue, 20 Aug 85 07:53 PDT
From: "Chase Lila"@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: Prime Kermit

Can the Prime Kermit transfer binary files?       chase@lll-mfe.arpa


From: bierma@nprdc.arpa (Larry Bierma)
Date: 20 August 1985 0953-PDT (Tuesday)
Subject: CMS KERMIT and Yale 2.0

Is CMS KERMIT supposed to work through a Series/1 running version 2.0
of the Yale software?  Whenever we start the server it hangs up the
line.  Everything works fine in line mode through a 3704, and in page
mode through a 7171, it's just the series/1 that hangs up.

[Ed. - We use CMS Kermit through a Series/1 running the version 2.0 of
       the Yale Ascii code and version 3.2 of EDX all the time without
       any problems.  The way this works is Kermit puts the S/1 into
       transparent mode.  It sounds like you don't have the most
       up-to-date software for the S/1. ]

--Larry		ARPA: bierma@nprdc.arpa
		UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdcsla!nprdc!bierma
		PSTN: (619) 225-2161


Date: Tue 20 Aug 85 15:34:52-CDT
Subject: plea for help


I am trying to find a way to connect my Vax (VMS 4.1) to our HP
1000 running the RTE-A operating system.  Is there a Kermit out 
there for this OS.  I looked and found the one for a previous 
HP1000 operating system (RT6/vm or some such moniker)

Please respond to CMP.STARCH@UTEXAS-20.ARPA, as I am not on the 
INFO-KERMIT discussion.

Steve Kneuper
Lockheed Austin Division


Date: 14 Aug 1985 1541-PST
From: Contr36 <CONTR36 at NOSC-TECR>
Subject: kermit/milnet

from: Paul Attermeier
      Sandia National Labs
      Albuquerque, NM
      (505) 844-1106

I am trying to transfer some files from a VAX at the Naval Ocean
Systems Center back to my machine using Kermit. I have had no success
so far and the problem seems to lie somewhere in the MILNET

I'm running Kermit on a VAX/780 under Ultrix.  (The header reads
'C-Kermit 4.2 (030) Prerelease #2, 5 March 85, 4.2 BSD).  I've been
able to transfer files from another local 780 running VMS and a
version of Kermit (VMS Kermit-32 version 3.0.052) that appears to be
older than the one on the NOSC machine, (VMS Kermit-32 version
3.1.062) so I don't think there is a Kermit version incompatibility

Whenever I try a Kermit file transfer across MILNET, it just tries
for a minute or two and then times out. Do you know of any Kermit
or MILNET parameters which need to be changed from their defaults?


Date:     Fri, 23 Aug 85 09:57 EST
From:     Larry Afrin <lbafrin%clemson.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject:  Kermit over TELENET: Help Needed

Fellow Frog Lovers,

    I would like to use Kermit for file transfer between my IBM PC and an
NCR Tower running System V UNIX.  Both machines are running the latest
versions of Kermit available for them.  The only problem is that GTE TELENET
is in the middle.  (From the PC's Kermit I dial TELENET's local number and
then give the connect code (host address) by which TELENET knows the Tower.)
Something with TELENET is preventing file transfer from working (the
initialization packets don't even make it through).  Does anyone out there
have either (1) a proven method for using Kermit over TELENET or (2) an
explanation of why such may be impossible?  Any help, advice, pointers, etc.
would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance...

					-- Larry Afrin
					   Dept. of Computer Science
					   Clemson University

Please send replies, if any, to:
lbafrin@clemson                         if you're on CSNet
lbafrin.clemson@csnet-Relay             if you're on ARPANet


Date: Wednesday, 21 August 1985  08:59-MDT
From: Steve Westfall <ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!west@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
Subject:   Kermit for Fortune 32:16

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago has
a Fortune 32:16 computer.  The system administrator has had problems
getting kermit to work with his Fortune and would like to get in touch
with anyone who has helpful information about this.  Please get in
touch with the following person, not me:

			Barry Bowen
			Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
			5801 S. Kenwood
			Chicago, Illinois 60637
			UUCP:  ...ihnp4!gargoyle!xeno


Steve Westfall			    Uucp:  ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!west
Senior Staff Analyst		  Bitnet:  staff.westfall@UChicago.bitnet
U. of Chicago Computation Center  Mailnet: staff.westfall@UChicago.Mailnet


Date: 22 Aug 1985 12:32-EDT
Subject: kermit on vms

     I am trying to connect a VAX/VMS system to a VAX/UNIX 4.2 system
using KERMIT.  The UNIX side is running version 4C (CK*) and the VMS
side is running the MACRO version (VMS*.MAR).  The link is made up of
ports of DMF32s on both machines.  If someone else has tried this before,
I need to talk to them because I may not have set up the VMS environment
correctly.  From the UNIX side I can CONNECT to VMS just like a terminal
with no problems.  On the VMS side though, when I CONNECT to UNIX,
I have a problem with data overrunning buffers, as though there were no
flow control.  Any help would be appreciated.

  Joe Zakar
Zakar at USC-ISI


End of Info-Kermit Digest
