SY.FDC@CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (Frank da Cruz) (09/07/85)
Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 6 Sep 1985 Volume 3 : Number 16 Today's Topics: Downloading .EXE Files Which Destroy Monitor CR/LF Processing How to Make Kermit Work over European Packet Switching Networks Kermit on NEC 8001 Concurrent DOS Kermit New BITNET KERMSRV Command Syntax Kermit for Japanese Microcomputers and NTT Lisp Machine Kermit for Sharp PC 1500 A? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 15 Aug 85 11:58:49 pdt From: reynolds@AMES-NAS.ARPA (Don Reynolds) Subject: Downloading .EXE Files Which Destroy Monitor Welcome to a new user of Kermit on an IBM compatible! We like the frog a lot here, but he sometimes croaks! This may not be your problem, but the symptoms happened to me before. By mistake I used the host command: kermit s filename.ext which sends 7-bit ascii text files, but will not send 8-bit (image mode) executable (.COM & .EXE) files, Wordstar format files, or other binary files. The command for image mode is kermit si filename.ext If you try it without the "i" switch it really trashes the files, and gives the results Brzozowski states a couple messages down from your message. However, the file size still looks reasonable using the DOS DIR command. Question for the net: People have noted in this digest problems burning out the IBM monochrome display trying to execute such a file. I wonder if something like Norton's Utilities, U-File, or some other utility that looks at disk sectors or one that looks at memory can easily look at the header to see if the file has been trashed? Will DEBUG work? What do you look for? Note that I person- ally have only academic interest since we have mostly color monitors here, but someday I may have to download executables to a monochrome system. Best, Don [Ed. - The Kermit protocol allows file transmission in both text and binary mode. Text mode means that any necessary conversions are done on the file -- by both the sender and the receiver -- to make the file useful and readable on the target system. Binary mode means no conversions are done. Unfortunately, most Kermit programs have to rely on the user to specify whether a file is text or binary, because (a) the sending Kermit program usually can't tell because most systems (e.g. MS-DOS) don't provide this information in the file descriptor, and (b) the receiving Kermit certainly doesn't know (unless the sender informs it using the almost universally unimplemented Attribute packet). Now, it might be observed that text files tend to contain bytes whose high-order bits are all off, whereas binary files tend to have many bytes with this bit on. However, for the sending Kermit program to determine whether a file is binary by this method would require it to make a preliminary pass through the file (the WHOLE file if it turns out to be text) which would be undesirable for many reasons (e.g. timeouts when files are long). Many operating systems require executable programs to be in a certain format or to be tagged in a certain way, and will therefore not attempt to execute text files. But since not all OS's guard themselves in this way, users should also take precautions. On a case-by-case basis, heuristics can be added to some of the Kermit programs but they will never be foolproof. For instance, PDP-11 Kermit allows the use to specify a list of filetypes to determine the mode of the file -- but how can it know whether a .COM file is a DCL command file (text) or, say, a CP/M-80 program image (binary)?] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Aug 85 15:06:18 BST From: Chris-on-Fridays <> Subject: CR/LF Processing. Info: Is there an accepted policy about when Kermit should and should not do CR/LF (logical-end-of-record) processing? Obviously it is wanted in text-files and not in binaries. By default any 7-bit file is probably text, and any file sent as 8-bit image is probably not; but what assumption do you make if 8th-bit-prefixing is switched on? If the answer to the previous is "binary", shouldn't Kermits in general make it rather difficult to accidentally switch on 8th-bit-prefixing? And if the answer to that one is "yes", then is it wise for a Kermit server, or in fact any mainframe Kermit, to regularly offer 8th-bit-prefixing in its I-exchange? (This is suggested in the protocol manual.) Those of us who live on unix (with its LF as record-terminator) are keenly aware of the problems of files which come in with CR instead. Unsophisticated users tend to get absoultely floored; and it's they who are most likely to get into trouble if the two Kermits they are using do not, between them, pick sensible defaults. As an extension, what about the filing-systems which expect to find carriage-control-characters either at the start of each line (as per Fortran), or even at the end (older IBM formats)? Chris Kennington (cjk@ucl-cs) [Ed. - 8th-bit prefixing is totally unrelated to text vs binary mode. The prefixing mechanism is just a trick to squeeze 8-bit bytes through a 7-bit link. Most Kermit programs do (and should) enable 8th-bit prefixing automatically if parity is not none (i.e. is even, odd, mark, or space); it is a transmission technique akin to TELNET IAC doubling. All Kermit programs I know about run in text mode by default, and 8th bit prefixing is off by default except in systems (like IBM mainframes, or Prime computers) that always use parity. In Unix, text mode means LF/CRLF conversion is done, and it works Unix-to-anything, anything-to-Unix, so long as the "anything" Kermit is also in text mode. But see the discussion after the previous message about the perils of automatic mode selection. Systems that have carriage control or other "structured text" formats bear the responsibility for converting them to canonical (CRLF) format before transmission; VAX/VMS Kermit (the Stevens Bliss version) does this.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Aug 85 10:12 MET From: Peter Bendall, DECUS VAX SIG Europe <> Subject: How to Make Kermit Work over European Packet Switching Networks Since I started distributing 6800 and 6809 FLEX Kermits I have received MANY calls to say that Kermit is not able to work over the European packet switching networks. The following "work around" does however work for the German DATEX-P system and will probably work for other systems also: For Kermit-32 on VAX/VMS systems: Call the VAX using CONNECT and start Kermit-32, and issue the commands: SET RECEIVE START_OF_PACKET 7 SET SEND START_OF_PACKET 7 and then start the server if required. Then escape to your own Kermit and issue the equivalent commands: SET REC SOP=7 SET SEN SOP=7 (or whatever they look like) and then it works. [Ed. - Apparently DATEX-P does not pass through Control-A's, which are used by Kermit as the start-of-packet character.] In the case of the VAX systems, we have checked that the control-As are still in the packet when they reach our machine but we have found no simple way to get them into the packets... If anyone knows the proper workaround please let me know! ------------------------------ Date: Wed 28 Aug 85 11:17:59-PDT From: Ronald Blanford <CONTEXT@WASHINGTON.ARPA> Subject: Kermit on NEC 8001 Some time ago there was a complaint that the Generic version of Kermit only partially worked on the NEC 8001. I had reason to need it recently and found the following fix which works quite well. Generic Kermit uses the iobyte to switch to the BAT console (which takes its input from the RDR device) so that it can check the serial port input status using the Console Status BIOS call. The BIOS therefore must check the iobyte twice in this situation, once to determine that the BAT console is in use, then again to decide which physical device RDR is set to. The NEC 8001 does this for the Console Input routine, but not for Console Status. The default Console Status routine always returns No Input Available, so that Kermit never tries to receive a character even though it can send them just fine. The solution is to patch the dispatch table for the Console Status routine so that it proceeds to the serial status routine instead of the default. It might be hard to determine the address of the status routine if RDR is set to the PTR, UR1, or UR2 device, but for the TTY device the address is just two entries earlier in the table to be patched. Fortunately Kermit uses the TTY device by default. On the NEC 8001, the serial driver is loaded dynamically, and the address of the status routine varies depending on which driver is used. Therefore this patch must be made each time the system is cold-booted, after installing the serial device driver but before running Kermit. It's easiest to make the patch into a simple program using DDT as follows: A>DDT DDT VERS 2.2 -A100 0100 LHLD 1 ; get the address of the BIOS jump table 0103 INX H ; step forward to the Console Status entry 0104 INX H 0105 INX H 0106 INX H 0107 MOV A,M ; get the address of the Console Status dispatcher 0108 INX H 0109 MOV H,M 010A MOV L,A 010B INX H ; step past the dispatcher's initial JMP instruction 010C INX H 010D INX H 010E MOV C,M ; pick up the address for the TTY Status routine 010F INX H 0110 MOV B,M 0111 INX H 0112 INX H ; step forward to the BAT entry 0113 INX H 0114 MOV M,C ; save the TTY address in the BAT entry 0115 INX H 0116 MOV M,B 0117 RET ; return to CP/M 0118 . -^C ; Now get out of DDT A>SAVE 1 KPATCH.COM ; and save the patch as a COM file With this patch program available, perform the following sequence of actions after cold boot to bring up Kermit: A>INSTALL8 IRS232A TTY: [,,,,O] ; install the driver as device TTY ; set up for Object files. The driver ; name may vary. A>KPATCH ; Patch the BAT status routine A>KERMIT ; Start Kermit With the interrupt-driven serial driver in place, this has worked perfectly for me at up to 9600 baud. Good luck. -- Ron [Ed. - Thanks, Ron! I've stored this message in the Kermit distribution as CP4NEC.HLP.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 85 03:14 EDT From: "John C. Klensin" <Klensin@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA> Subject: Concurrent DOS Kermit PC-DOS Kermit seems to work fine under Concurrent DOS, with a few qualifications, as you expect. First, most of the 'internal' commands that require PC-DOS interactions don't work, e.g., LOCAL DIR (wildcard SENDs work fine). This is, of course, less of a problem under Concurrent than it would be under PCDOS, since, with Concurrent, you can switch processes and do anything of these things (or even keep the current directory or whatever in a handy window). Second, you must use SUSPEND=OFF if you expect to do transfers in background. Third, experience with the PC indicates that you may want to arrange a bit more waiting time and/or retry count maximum with your mainframe kermit if that is possible -- things sometimes get a little slow if there is a lot of other stuff going on in the machine, especially if kermit is a background, rather than foreground, process. I would suspect that this would be less of a problem on the AT, but haven't tried. I keep fussing with a CDOS-specific version of Kermit, based on the CP/M86 version when I manage to be around for more than a couple of weeks (not frequent in the last year). It is, of necessity, heavily dependent on the operating system, and is quite slow when it works. But this message is coming to you from a Concurrent DOS 4.1 system, using PC-DOS kermit, for whatever that is worth. If someone else would like to take that on, I would be happy to transfer everything I have done, and try to transfer everything I know/have found out, otherwise I will keep fussing as I have time. The combination of MSDOS kermit and Concurrent also worked fine under version 3.2 of the latter; versions before 3.2 are hopeless, since they don't support PCDOS mode. ------------------------------ Date: Fri 16 Aug 85 11:03:59-EDT From: Daphne Tzoar <Sy.Daphne@CU20B.ARPA> Subject: New BITNET KERMSRV Command Syntax The syntax of Kermsrv commands has changed slightly so the file AANETW.HLP should be modified. Here is the command format: ? HELP SEND { DIR | fn ft | ?} PUNCH { DIR | fn ft | ?} Send returns information in netdata format. Punch uses punch format. If PUNCH is used, files with LRECL 80 or under will be punched Class A. The others will be disk dumped Class N. The DIR (directory command) has been replaced by SEND DIR or PUNCH DIR. File names may contain wildcards. Requests to Kermsrv can be either in the form of messages or reader files, where the file contains a single line with a valid Kermsrv command. /daphne ------------------------------ From: ihnp4!kddlab!nttmecl!nttmecl!NTT-20!MURAKAMI@seismo.CSS.GOV Date: 27 Aug 1985 2023 Subject: Kermit for Japanese Microcomputers and NTT Lisp Machine Kermit for Japanese micro computers is supported. Kermit for the following computers is available: (1) NEC PC8800 on CP/M-80 (2) NEC PC9800 on CP/M-86 (3) FUJITSU FM-8 on CP/M-80 (4) FUJITSU FM-11 on MS-DOS (5) IBM5550 on MS-DOS In addition to these computers, Kermit for NTT Lisp Machine ELIS was written by its language TAO. TAO is a dialect of Lisp which unifies an object-oriented programming paradigm and a logic programming paradigm with a procedural programming paradigm. NTT Lisp Machine (interpreter) runs 1.3 times faster than SYMBOLICS LISP MACHINE (compiler). If you are interested in these Kermits, please send me mail to hplabs!kddlab!nttmecl!murakami@Berkeley Is it useful for you to get Kermit sources for Japanese computers? I hesitate to send these sources because of the following reasons. (1) These Kermits will not be widely used in your country. (2) Kermit on CP/M-80 is based on the old Kermit version. We are translating an important part of the Kermit manuals into Japanese. I would appreciate if you'd allow me to distribute these manuals in Japan. Thank you for your attention [Ed. - Does everyone agree that the programs listed above are not of general interest outside of Japan? If not, I'll try to get them into the Kermit distribution.] ------------------------------ DATE: 26 Aug 85 1735 WEZ FROM: U02F%CBEBDA3T.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA (Franklin A. Davis) SUBJECT: Kermit for Sharp PC 1500 A? Anyone know of a Kermit for the Sharp PC 1500 A? A colleague needs it, and unfortunately isn't even sure if it uses CP/M, but our guess is that it may be a close clone. Please answer directly. Thanks -- Franklin <U02F@CBEBDA3T.BITNET> Institute for Informatics and Applied Mathematics University of Bern Laenggassstrasse 51 CH-3012 Bern Switzerland ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest ************************* -------