SY.FDC@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU (Frank da Cruz) (09/14/85)
Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 13 Sep 1985 Volume 3 : Number 19 Departments: MACINTOSH KERMIT - New Macintosh Kermit Bug List Macintosh Kermit VT100 Emulation Bottom-of-Screen Bug Garbage in Upper Left Corner on MacKermit MacKermit Comments MacKermit/ScreenSaver Incompatibility MacKermit Transfer Command Macintosh Kermit Key Configurator Limitation Mac Kermit Show-Response Window Too Narrow Bug and Nit in Macintosh Kermit Terminal Emulation Bug In Mac Kermit Double Keying Option-Keys in Mac Kermit Mac Kermit vs Yale ASCII IBM MAINFRAME KERMIT - Kermit for UTS with Series/1 CMS Kermit with 7171's (two messages) Kermit-11 vs IBM VM/CMS MISCELLANY - Kermit Distribution in the UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri 13 Sep 85 17:24:56 EDT From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B> Subject: New Macintosh Kermit Bug List The following messages report bugs in the current release of Macintosh Kermit, or suggest improvements. These have been noted in the new "beware" file, KER:CKMKER.BWR, which is available via anonymous FTP from CU20B. For now, no changes are being made to the program, mainly because Mac Kermit is still "between maintainers". Although not mentioned specifically in conjunction with Mac Kermit, the C-Kermit bug reported by Icarus Sperry (Bath Univ, UK) in Info-Kermit V3 #17, namely that checksums are computed incorrectly if padding is selected, applies also to Macintosh Kermit. ------------------------------ Date: Thu 15 Aug 85 11:12:12-CDT From: Don Nash <CC.DLNASH@UT-A20.ARPA> Subject: Macintosh Kermit VT100 Emulation Bottom-of-Screen Bug I just found found this simply wonderful bug in Macintosh Kermit. Here's how to do it: 1) Set MacKermit 0.8(33) for 9600 baud, no parity, remote echo. 2) Connect to a VAX 11/780 running VMS 4.1 and Eunice and log in. 3) Set your terminal type by having the following lines in your LOGIN.COM file: $define TERM "vt100" $set term /dev = vt100 /line 4) Type out a file which is long enough to fill the screen more once using the following command: type /page filename.ext 5) When you are prompted to hit return, type ^C. The word "Cancel" should appear, but it should be partially below the screen. 6) Type <CR> several times. If you get the same results I did, then the screen of the Mac should go crazy. It looks like snow on a TV set, except that it is black snow on a white background (which seems logical, since the Mac's screen is white). The Mac is now completely wedged, the cursor does not respond to mouse movements. The only way out is to reset the Mac and restart MacKermit. Also, the number zero and the capital letter oh were identical on MacKermit, and the same applies to the capital letter "I" (the letter after "H"), and the lowercase letter "l" (the letter after "k"). They are also *exactly* the same. Don Nash [Ed. - Thanks, noted in the beware file.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu 15 Aug 85 12:25:26-CDT From: Don Nash <CC.DLNASH@UT-A20.ARPA> Subject: Garbage in Upper Left Corner on MacKermit I read the file CKMKER.BWR.8. In the section UNDIGESTED, item #3 said that Dan Tappan from BBN reported garbage in the upper left corner of the terminal emulator window which eventually went away. I have the same problem, but it won't go away. It is nothing serious, but it does seem to be permanent on my copy of MacKermit 0.8(33). It does not interfere with the display in any way. Hope this aids in digestion. Don Nash ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Aug 85 11:45:56 PDT From: msev%Phobos@CIT-Hamlet.ARPA Subject: MacKermit Comments I'm very pleased with the new MacKermit release. I use it now in preference to MacTerminal. I like the speed: both initialization and operation are much better than MacT. I have set up the key map to send the right characters for EDT. File transfer with VMS is very smooth. - Martin Ewing Comments on 0.8(33) Kermit for Macintosh: SERIOUS 1. The VMS TYPE/PAGE command types a page of output from a file and types "Type enter to continue" (or some such) in reverse video on bottom line of screen. If you ^Y at that point to terminate, Kermit writes the next line ("Interrupt" in reverse video) on what appears to be line 25. Kermit often dies shortly thereafter. I don't have the exact character sequence that VMS is putting out. [Ed. - Same as Don Nash's bug. Temporary workaround: don't use VMS (just kidding...)] NUISANCE 2. Screen is not thoroughly wiped by erase screen command. Garbage characters left at right of screen (sometimes). This may have been documented before. 3. A blinking cursor, or, better, a blinking solid cursor would be a great help. It's nearly impossible to find the underscore in a page full of text. A user-selectable cursor format would be preferable. [Ed. - Good idea.] SUGGESTIONS 4. It would be handy to distribute a standard VT100/numeric keypad definitions file. This is important for running the VMS EDT editor. I'll donate such a file if requested. [Ed. - Please do.] 5. Apparently the VT10x graphics characters are not emulated. At least the MONITOR command on VMS does not produce the desired line and block characters. This would be a useful addition for those of us who like to stare at these status displays. 6. Emulate the VT102 printer port commands. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Aug 85 10:14:02 mdt From: jad%b@LANL.ARPA (John De Vries) Subject: MacKermit/ScreenSaver Incompatibility I have received a report that while making long uploads from MacKermit while ScreenSaver (a desk accessory) is active will cause the upload to bomb and will indeed screw up the Mac's system, necessitating a reboot. It happens when ScreenSaver goes and blanks the screen... Zoz ------------------------------ Date: Fri 9 Aug 85 16:55:15-EDT From: Don Lanini <Us.Dcl@CU20D> Subject: MacKermit Transfer Command Whenever I try to use the transfer command under the transfer menu to launch an application from another disk (a disk other than the one Kermit is on), it blows up the machine with an ID = 26 error and hangs. The version is 0.8(32) ------------------------------ Date: Wed 19 Jun 85 16:30:52-EDT From: Bill Schilit <BILL@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA> Subject: Macintosh Kermit Key Configurator Limitation I just read a message on the net... you might want to configure a system disk with the Dutch or German, or French international resources and check out the results of this on MacKey... I think the result will be an incorrect keyboard (check this out in relation to the KEYCAPS display). Since the key names are hard coded in an array in the program... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Jul 85 18:43:58 edt From: Mike Ciaraldi <> Subject: Mac Kermit Show-Response Window Too Narrow When you give a remote command (e.g. Directory) to a server, the results come up in a window. You can scroll the window from side to side, but even if you move it all the way to the left (i.e. the little box in the horizontal scroll bar is all the way to the right), you still can't see the right end of the line of text. You have to stretch the window to see it. [Ed. - I agree this might not be intuitively obvious to the user...] When you do a "Get file from server", after the transfer is complete the box that keeps you informed of the progress of the transfer still stays on the middle of the screen until you click on it. This is not really obvious as the way to continue. What makes it bad is that the mouse pointer still shows as the little clock face indefinitely, implying that you ought to wait before proceeding (maybe while it closes the file or something). [Ed. - Right, this has been noted in the .BWR file all along.] ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1985 02:04 PST From: Charles Carvalho <CHARLES@ACC> Subject: Bug and Nit in Macintosh Kermit A friend pointed out a bug and a nit in the Macintosh Kermit: bug: if you call SFGetFile with the numTypes argument equal to zero, it apparently doesn't find all files; numTypes should be -1 instead. [Ed. - From one of the authors: "I haven't noticed any problems, and I believe the code reflects the documentation." Has anyone actually observed files being skipped over?] nit: the Close box at the left of the MacKermit window doesn't do anything; it ought to be left out (define the window with the NoGoAway attribute). /Charles ------------------------------ Date: Wed 31 Jul 85 15:18:44-EDT From: Ben Fried <UI.Ben@CU20C> Subject: Terminal Emulation Bug In Mac Kermit I don't know if i can reproduce this, but i definitely found a bug in mac kermit 0.8(33) I was in emacs, typing a command into the echo area, when a send came in. the first few scan lines of the text showed up at the bottom of the screen, then it froze--i had mouse control, but the event handler must have frozen, because i got no response to any sort of update event -- keydowns, clicking the mouse, whatever. it looks like it didn't handle the scrolling of the text i was sent correctly, and died somewhere in there. but i'm not sure. [Ed. - "Doubt it was the event handler, more likely it is a scroll problem with the characters being drawn off the screen." Noted in .BWR file.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Sep 85 19:10 MST From: Barry Margolin <Margolin@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA> Subject: Double Keying Option-Keys in Mac Kermit I think I've figured out why certain characters have to be doubled in order to send them in MacKermit. These characters are normally set to nonspacing diacritical marks. For instance, Option-e is normally a nonspacing accent grave. In the normal Macintosh text input environment, nothing gets sent until you type the next character after a diacritical, so that it can send the appropriate accented character. If you type the diacritical twice, it sends just the diacritial character. If you type a character that cannot be used with that diacritical, it sends the diacritical followed by the character. This is all consistent with the behavior I have seen when I use the Option key as a Control key. I suspect that the same problems would exist if I used the Option key as a Meta key, which I believe is the default. [Ed. - This was also noted in the .BWR file that originally went out with 0.8(33).] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Aug 85 19:47:45 edt From: Mike Ciaraldi <> Subject: Mac Kermit vs Yale ASCII We just started using MacKermit to talk to our IBM 4381, which uses a Series 1 front end with the Yale Ascii package. On the other end we installed the version of TSO Kermit from U of Toronto. File transfers work OK, it seems. Big problem with terminal emulation. The packages we use on MVS use lots of boldface. The CKMKER.BWR file says that boldface characters are the wrong size, but for us it's worse than that. The cursor proceeds along, putting stuff on the screen, then skips back and erases several characters, leaving a series of gaps in the line of text. If you open up a window over the affected area, then close it again, the text is OK. It's not in boldface, but it is perfectly readable and in the right place. [Ed. - The problem is still probably due to the characters being a different size from what they program thinks they are. Some IBM/Yale-ASCII sites have found the problem so annoying that they define a new terminal type for the Macs, which is basically a VT100 without boldface.] We tried opening up the SHOW RESPONSE window, stretching it to almost fill the screen, then switching back and forth between it and the main window to force refreshing of the screen image in the main window. This works, but the lower right corner of the SHOW RESPONSE window is "dead", i.e. clicking on it will not bring the window to the front. The dead area is the part where the size-changing icon usually appears. When the main window is in the background, there doesn't seem to be this problem getting it back. Mike Ciaraldi ciaraldi@rochester [Ed. - Mike mentioned in a subsequent message that they would try to come up with a fix for the boldface problem.] ------------------------------ Date: 12 September 1985, 15:31:45 EDT From: Philip Murton <MURTON@UTORONTO.BITNET> Subject: Kermit for UTS with Series/1 We are no longer running UTS under VM here so that only version of Kermit for UTS I have is based on the old UNIX Kermit. [Ed. - This is the KERMIT.C from the Protocol Manual, with modifications to support the Series/1, presumably it will also work with the 7171, 4994, and other systems that run the Yale ASCII package. I've put it in K2:UTSS1.C on CU20B.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Sep 85 02:07:01 EDT From: Peter DiCamillo <CMSMAINT@BROWNVM> Subject: CMS Kermit with 7171's I can confirm Steve Ostrove's experience that CMS Kermit through the 7171 does not log itself out, and only responds to FINISH. Even with FINISH, CMS Kermit doesn't respond with "R;" until after I enter a carriage return back in the terminal session. From what I have heard, the packet size problem with 7171s is a performance problem which only shows up when a 7171 is loaded. If Steve was testing with only one or two users on the 7171, then a larger packet size would work. I haven't had a chance to confirm this myself yet. Kermit should be able to distinguish a Series/1 from a 7171 because a Series/1 emulates a 3277 terminal, but a 7171 emulates a 3278 terminal. This device type information is available to a program by using DIAG X'24' to obtain information about the virtual console. Peter DiCamillo [Ed. - Can anyone provide a clue as to why CMS Kermit might refuse to log itself out when run from a 7171, but log out OK when run from a 3705???] ------------------------------ Date: 13 September 85 14:35 EDT From: NJG@CORNELLA.BITNET Subject: CMS Kermit and 7171s The problem with Kermit (CMS at least, and I expect the same with TSO) and 7171s should only show up if the 7171 can not field the incoming characters as fast as they are sent. This forces the 7171 to use a 64 character long circular type ahead buffer. Once this buffer fills up the 7171 will not accept further input until the buffer starts to empty. As long as a set of 8 terminal ports is not 'over worked' it should be able to handle input from a terminal at 9600 baud. It is only when more than one of the terminals on a set of 8 ports is sending large data buffers at high data rates that there will be overrun problems. I do not know at what data rates or how many active terminals it takes to actually cause the problems, but 1 terminal at 9600 baud (plus the rest doing normal terminal type output traffic, not file transfer) should not exhibit the problem. This problem has been discussed with the IBM development team for the 7171. Personally I doubt that the problem will be corrected in future versions of the device as it appears that IBM does not intend to have the device support file transfer, but rather to support attachment of dumb-terminals only. ":-)" Nick Gimbrone <NJG@CORNELLA.BITNET> (607)256-3747 ------------------------------ Date: 13 SEP 85 07:39-EST From: BRIAN%UOFT02.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA Subject: Kermit-11 vs IBM VM/CMS The most recent Kermit digest had a comment regarding Kermit-11 and CMS. Here is an explanation (?) I should point out that Kermit-11 has never worked well with CMS Kermit (before the S/1 support) as the U of Toledo does not use standard IBM half duplex lines, thus making testing impossible. The controller here is a CCI which fakes a FDX link. Kermit-11 does, however, work fine with the S/1 support in the newest CMS kermit, as long as one remembers to set parity to anything other than the default, none. brian nelson ------------------------------ Date: 10-SEP-1985 10:39:01 From: Subject: Kermit Distribution in the UK Lancaster University (UK) have just installed Columbia tapes written there on August 3. The files are all online on a VAX 11/780 and can be accessed freely by anyone who wishes using NIFTP or KERMIT. We can also send out files on 9 track tape, and on floppy for some versions. The collection is regularly updated with new tapes and files pulled from cu20b direct. For details mail to Alan Phillips, SYSKERMIT @ LANCS.VAX1 (JANET address 000010404000.FTP.MAIL, or PSS address 23425240101.000010404000.FTP.MAIL), or phone 0524-65201 x 4881. Distribution is free to all educational establishments: a small handling charge is made to commercial users. ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest ************************* -------