sofo@ihuxm.UUCP (Terry Bermes) (12/10/84)
One or two months ago I had heard something to the effect that Aly Bain from the Boys of the Lough and Phil Cunningham from Silly Wizard were involved in an automobile accident that killed Aly and injured Phil so badly that he'll never be able to play again. I haven't heard anymore about this and was wondering if anyone out there can substantiate this horrible news. Thanks Terry Bermes
rgs@cmu-cs-spice.ARPA (Robert Stockton) (12/12/84)
Andy Stewart was recently playing here, and mentioned (to the best of my recollection) that the all of Silly Wizard (including both Cunninghams) would be touring again as soon as Phil recovered from his injuries. I would therefore have to assume that Phil was not as badly injured as you heard. I don't recall having heard anything about Aly Bain though. Robert Stockton ARPA: rgs@CMU-CS-SPICE.ARPA UUCP: ...!seismo!rgs@CMU-CS-SPICE
david@varian.UUCP (David Brown) (12/12/84)
> > One or two months ago I had heard something to the effect that Aly Bain > from the Boys of the Lough and Phil Cunningham from Silly Wizard were > involved in an automobile accident that killed Aly and injured Phil > so badly that he'll never be able to play again. I haven't heard > anymore about this and was wondering if anyone out there can substantiate > this horrible news. > Thanks > Terry Bermes I first heard about the accident by word of mouth, and there was a mention on the Prairie Home Companion once (perhaps this should be in net.wobegon..). I later read something -- I think in the obit column of the Black Sheep Review (a folk rag out of Boston) or Come For To Sing (out of Chicago). It was a freak accident - something like a tree falling on the car (this is the part from word of mouth). Tich Richardson (the guitarist from Boys of the Lough) was the one killed, not Aly Bain. I heard that Phil Cunningham's hand was severely damaged and that they were going to operate, but it was unclear whether or not he would be able to play again. Let's hope and pray. As for the future of Silly Wizard, I was under the impression that they had more or less broken up -- Phil Cunningham was supposed to be touring last month with Andy Stewart (Manus Lunny (Donal's brother) from the band The Wild Geese substituted on the tour), and Martin Haddon (the keyboard and bass player) is touring this month with Jane Rothfield and Alan Carr (plug: they will be playing in San Francisco at Plowshares, Fort Mason Center, this coming Sunday 12/16). -- David Brown (415) 945-2199 Varian Instruments 2700 Mitchell Dr. Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598 {zehntel,amd,fortune,resonex}!varian!david
mlf@teddy.UUCP (Matt L. Fichtenbaum) (12/12/84)
In article <1172@ihuxm.UUCP> sofo@ihuxm.UUCP (Terry Bermes) writes: > > One or two months ago I had heard something to the effect that Aly Bain > from the Boys of the Lough and Phil Cunningham from Silly Wizard were > involved in an automobile accident that killed Aly and injured Phil > so badly that he'll never be able to play again. I haven't heard > anymore about this and was wondering if anyone out there can substantiate > this horrible news. > Thanks > Terry Bermes Almost correct. It was Tich Richardson, the guitar player from the Boys of the Lough, who was killed. Phil Cunningham, who was driving, injured his hand, but was otherwise not badly hurt and was released from the hospital after a few days. It's not clear how much permanent injury he will have. I haven't heard what the immediate plans for the Boys of the Lough are. Matt Fichtenbaum
keesan@bbncca.ARPA (Morris Keesan) (12/12/84)
----------------------------------- Aly Bain is alive and well, to the best of my knowledge. Tich Richardson, the most recent addition to the Boys of the Lough, was killed in the car accident which injured Phil Cunningham. I had heard that Silly Wizard had disbanded before the accident. Certainly Johnny Cunningham hadn't been with them for some time, since he lives in Philadelphia now. The Boys of the Lough have regrouped three times previously, so I would expect them to be performing again with a replacement for Tich within a year or so. -- Morris M. Keesan {decvax,linus,ihnp4,wivax,wjh12,ima}!bbncca!keesan keesan @ BBN-UNIX.ARPA
wdr@faron.UUCP (William D. Ricker) (12/13/84)
From: keesan@bbncca.ARPA (Morris Keesan) Subject: Re: Future of Silly Wizard and The Boys of the Lough Message-ID: <1210@bbncca.ARPA> Date: Wed, 12-Dec-84 12:21:01 EST Lines: 16 Aly Bain is alive and well, to the best of my knowledge. Tich Richardson, the most recent addition to the Boys of the Lough, was killed in the car accident which injured Phil Cunningham. True. Haven't heard that Aly Bain has had any accidents. Phil is expected to be fine; his hand has recovered sufficiently that he has been playing piano again since October. I had heard that Silly Wizard had disbanded before the accident. Certainly Johnny Cunningham hadn't been with them for some time, since he lives in Philadelphia now. True. Johnny dropped out after the '81 tour to move to Philly. He joined them as a guest at Sanders Theatre on their '82 and '83 Farwell Tours. Johnny & Phil did a tour together last year. Phil was scheduled to do a Tour with Andy M. Stewart, lead singer for Silly Wizard, which he had to drop. (Manus Lunny of County Kildare, guitar, bouzouki, and gaelic singing, filled in.). Andy announced at the gig at the Old Irish Alehouse and other gigs of the tour that Silly Wizard would make a Reunion Tour May of '85--Andy, Johnny, Phil, Martin Hadden, and Gordon Jones, and possibly including Manus, too. The Boys of the Lough have regrouped three times previously, so I would expect them to be performing again with a replacement for Tich within a year or so. -- They are booked for Sanders Theatre in Cambridge March 1st, '85. -- William Ricker wdr@MITRE-Bedford.ARPA (MIL) wdr@faron.UUCP (UUCP) decvax!genrad!linus!faron!wdr (UUCP) {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!faron!wdr (UUCP) Opinions are my own and not necessarily anyone elses. Likewise the "facts".