[net.music.folk] Dulcimer Festival!!

cindy@ada-uts.UUCP (06/24/85)

               Announcing the 9th annual
          Cranberry Dulcimer Gathering
            July 26-28  in Binghamton, NY

More info later, or write to  Cindi Baehr
                                  46 Pleasant St.
                                  Stoneham,Ma 02180

    When I figure it out, I'll even include my net address......

So dust off your dulcimer (hammered or fretted) and your autoharp and
come join us!!

cindy@ada-uts.UUCP (06/26/85)

       Okay folks, I think I've got my act together, so I'll
attempt to fill in the rest of the information.

     The featured performers are as follows:
           Hammered Dulcimer : Randy Marchany and No Strings Attached
                    This band has 3 hammered dulcimers!!

           Mountain Dulcimer : Barb Truex and Sidestep

           Autoharp          : Becky Blackley  Editor of Autoharpaholic

     The entrance fee is $15, or register in advance for only $12 for
the entire weekend.  Camping is availiable on site for a very reasonable
     For a brochure write to Mitzie Collins, 197 Melrose St.,Rochester,
NY,14618. OR respond to  this note or by net to me at:

NET: {harpo, allegro, bellcore, ihnp4}!inmet!ada-uts!cindy
     and I'll try to get you one.
                    Cindy Baehr.
