[net.misc] delecacies

franka (06/26/82)

	Re Dan Klein's message on names of certain "delacacies":
Sweetbreads are NOT brains, but rather, the pancreas of animals.
			Frank (the small town boy) Adrian

ignatz (06/28/82)

Frank Adrian recently stated that sweetbreads are the pancreas of animals.
Sorry, bunky; WRONG. It's the THYMUS of--properly--a young animal;usually,
a calf. Trust me.
				Dave Ihnat

thomas (06/30/82)

>From the "Joy of Cooking", Rombauer, 1975 (Bobbs-Merrill), p502:

'Sweetbreads, properly so-called, are the rounded, more desirable "heart" or
"kernel" types, the pancreas.  The thinner "throat" type is the thymus.'


G:cliff (07/08/82)

Actually the term "sweetbreads" is not clearly defined.  It may be the
pancreas or the thymus of an animal.  I believe it is usually the pancreas,
but no reason it has to be.  Look it up in any of several dictionaries if
you don't believe me.
	-Cliff ucbvax!g:cliff