[net.music.folk] Jazz-Oriented Music Mailing List

kgdykes@watbun.UUCP (07/26/85)

 Well, since no-one sees fit to create a net.music.jazz there is a
mailing-list for such discussion.
This list will funnel through me, and will not be too restrictive in
content (ie: blues, jazz, dixie, swing, fusion, fission...:-)
If you wish to be on this list, please send me a note at the address below,
also please feel free to include a "mini-biography" of yourself, jazz-specific
interests, if you play or perform at all, what you want to see discussed (start
an argument!)
 Tell people about this list, if the size of this list/traffic get large enuf
maybe I can thump someone over the head to create net.music.jazz!

              - Ken Dykes
                Software Development Group, U. of Waterloo
                Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  N2L 3G1

judith@proper.UUCP (Judith Abrahms) (08/07/85)

In article <> kgdykes@watbun.UUCP writes:
> Well, since no-one sees fit to create a net.music.jazz there is a
>mailing-list for such discussion.
>If you wish to be on this list, please send me a note at the address below...
> Tell people about this list, if the size of this list/traffic get large enuf
>maybe I can thump someone over the head to create net.music.jazz!

I hope so!  Surprised there isn't such a group already.

Posting here because I've tried to send you mail a few times & couldn't.
Please put me on the list!

Judith Abrahms
(I think my address is: ihnp4!qantel!proper!judith... give it a shot!)