[net.music.folk] TRAPEZOID appearing in Madison, WI

wildhog@uwmacc.UUCP (Wild Hog in the Woods) (10/12/85)

Trapezoid, a group which the New York Times has described as "an
engaging blend of old fiddle tunes, Irish melodies, jazzy swing, folk
music, strong original songs, and sweet harmonies" will be appearing on
Sunday, October 20th at 8pm in The Great Hall of the Memorial Union on
the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus in a concert sponsored by
The Wild Hog in the Woods Coffeehouse.

Trapezoid hails from the mountains of West Virginia.  Eleven years ago
a group of fine musicians got together to build and play hammer
dulcimers; hence the name "Trapezoid" (since hammer dulcimers tend to
be trapezoidal in shape).  The group consists of Ralph Gordon, Freyda
Epstein, Lorraine Duisit, and Paul Reisler, playing various
combinations of bass, fiddle, mandola, guitar, cello, hammer dulcier
(of course), mandolin, and bowed psaltry.  They perform selections that
range from Lorraine's haunting rendition of The Lakes of Ponchartrain
and The Blacksmith to the bouncy duets that sound amazingly like the
Andrews Sisters

Tickets are available at the Memorial Union ticket office, Spruce Tree
Music, and at the Wild Hog in the Woods Coffeehouse (Thursday and
Friday nights).