[net.music.folk] self-study music theory text

kelpie@fluke.UUCP (Tony Garland) (11/01/85)

I am looking for some recommendations for a good music theory text
(or series of texts) which starts off with the very basics.
It would be nice if the text could form a good reference in the future.
In addition, since I am interested in self-study, the book should
provide tutorial explanations (not just exercises to be augmented by
a separate teacher).

Please respond directly since I {don't,can't} keep up on all the
news groups :-)

	Tony Garland, N7DX             	decvax\
	John Fluke Mfg Co.		ihnp4  >!uw-beaver\
	PO Box C9090				   allegra >!fluke!kelpie
	Everett, WA 98206 USA		ucbvax >!lbl-csam /
	(206) 356-5268			hplabs/

swb@lasspvax.UUCP (Scott Brim) (11/03/85)

In article <2872@vax4.fluke.UUCP> kelpie@fluke.UUCP (Tony Garland) writes:
>I am looking for some recommendations for a good music theory text
>(or series of texts) which starts off with the very basics.
>Please respond directly since I {don't,can't} keep up on all the
>news groups :-)

On the other hand I'd really like this information too, and it would be
of general interest for sure -- so if you reply could you also post it
to the net?   Thanks ....Scott

crs@lanl.ARPA (11/07/85)

> >I am looking for some recommendations for a good music theory text
> >(or series of texts) which starts off with the very basics.
> >......
> >Please respond directly since I {don't,can't} keep up on all the
> >news groups :-)
> On the other hand I'd really like this information too, and it would be
> ...

I wasn't going to post this but maybe it is well to show further
interest, so:

				Me too.
All opinions are mine alone...

Charlie Sorsby