[net.misc] World Frisbee Championships slated for Rutgers

garys (07/14/82)

				F R I S B E E

   The 1982 World Frisbee Championship (WFC) is  going  to  be  held  at
   Rutgers  University  in  New  Brunswick,  NJ  from  Sunday  7/18 thru
   Saturday 7/24. For the past 8 years it has  been  held  in  Pasadena,
   California,  with the finals in the Rose Bowl. This year (no doubt to
   be assured of good weather), it will be held for the  first  time  on
   the East Coast, with the Saturday finals in the Rutgers Stadium.

   WFC is to Frisbee as Wimbledon is to tennis, the Kentucky Derby is to
   horse racing and LeMans is to auto racing. Teams from England, Japan,
   Sweden, Italy, Canada and other foreign countries will be arriving to
   join  the U.S. competitors from all over this country on Sunday for a
   week of intense disc activities, both day and evening.

   For schedule of events  or  any  further  information,  contact  Gary
   Seubert at HO 6C-111 x6456 ...or... post electronic mail to:


   P.S. - If I see you there and you mention UNIXtm,  I'll  give  you  a