[net.misc] Trivial Survey Results or Dave, your cat is in my water again

dlr (07/14/82)

	First, I'd like to thank all of you that responded to the survey,
and double the thanks to those that sent detailed answers. A few of you
asked why (or if I was serious), so here is the historical (hysterical?)

	From the time that I moved away from home up to the present date,
\~60% of the females that I have had the pleasure of sleeping with kept
a glass of water by the bed for the purpose of quenching late night thirst.
Since I have two cats (and most of them have had some number of cats) it
always seemed to be a hassle since the cats like to drink out of the glass
or spill it on the most critical furniture in the immediate area. My early
thoughts on the matter led to the possibility that maybe it was some sort
of Chicago area trait, i.e. - that females in this corner of Illinois took
water to bed (no flames about sexist comments, I have since learned that
both the brothers of one lady also take water to bed). To see if this 
trait was regional or not, I decided to survey the net.

	Responses came from many places including...
N.J., Minn, Ill, Toronto, Ind, and where ever 'spoon' and 'mi-cec' systems
are located.

	Now, the results you've been waiting for (hope you weren't holding
your breath).

		NO - 24 
		YES - 10 

	Of the no replies, there were...

		4 that do if they were sick (or very drunk)
		2 that do if they eat spicy or salty (anchovy pizza) food
		1 that had a wife who used to but stopped
		1 that does for use after bed based sporting events
		1 that takes his wife to bed
		1 that used to but outgrew it
		1 that occasionally falls asleep while studying (leaves soda)
		1 that sometimes takes wine
		1 that drinks water before going to bed
		1 that sometimes keeps a cooler of beer by the bed

	Of the YES replies, the resons were...

		1 for sinus problems
		1 for when the children wanted a drink
		1 started as a child by the mother (the child was asthmatic)
		1 is a mouth breather when sleeping
		all others - late night thirst

	This concludes the trivial survey results, thanks for contributing.

					Dave Rosik
		I don't.