[net.religion.christian] WChurches, Albrecht, Ingogly and Eucharist

V6M@PSUVM.BITNET (02/19/85)

Tom Albrecht points out two serious flaws in  Ingogly's posting (UNC).

Tom explains Transubstantiation but defers on Christ continuing to offer His
life.  So I'll try.. :-)

From the Baltimore Catechism  (think I'm stupid?  :-)  )

q 362.

Is there any difference between the sacrfice of the cross and the Sacrifice of
the Mass?

The manner in which the sacrifice the sacrifice is offered is different:
On the cross Christ physically shed His blood and was physically slain,
                    -------------------------------------------------- my emph.
while in the Mass there is no physical shedding of blood nor physical death,
because Christ can die no more; on the cross Christ gained merit and satisfied
------------------------------ my emph
for us, while in the Mass He applies to us the merits and satisfaction of His
death on the Cross.

q 359.
Who is the principal priest in every Mass?
The principal priest in EVERY Mass is Jesus Christ, who offers to His heavenly
Father, THROUGH the MINISTRY OF HIS ORDAINED PRIEST, His body and blood which
were sacrificed on the cross.


Seriously...If all of the Catholics got together and collected our net replies
into a single document or large posting then THAT posting would be eligble for
review by a diocesan expert for the nihil obstat.

I LOVE IT!  net.imprimatur!!!!

We could use n.r.c  group to get our bugs out then move the approved postings
over.  This could be the first online Apologetics text!