[net.religion.christian] ANSWERS TO A FRIEND

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Dr. Emmanuel Wu) (04/02/85)

>>Actually, which religion makes people the happiest is really 
>>irrelevant:  true religion is following God, and if he says to do things
>>that make you miserable, you'd better do them.

> Bravo!  [PAUL DUBOIS]

STEP 1.  Make assertions about the way you expect/would like the world
	 to be. (e.g., a god exists to keep order and tell you do to things).

STEP 2.  Claim that these assertions are true because you wish to believe them.

STEP 3.  Applaud such assertions as obviously true, praising the statements
	 and making it seem like believing in them gives one some sort of
	 moral edge.  (e.g., doing the tough things that I believe god tells
	 you to do shows character and responsibility)

STEP 4.  Shake well.

STEP 5.  Bake at 666 degrees for 1 or 2 millenia, depending on your oven.

RESULT:  Wishful thinking souffle!!  Serves no purpose.
"Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end."
						Rich Rosen   pyuxd!rlr