[net.religion.christian] American Hostages

berman@ihlpg.UUCP (Andy Berman) (08/08/85)


For those who haven't heard, today's news reports indicate that
the Nicaraguan contras have kidnapped and are holding hostage 29 American
religious workers who were on a boat in the San Juan River in

The contras are the terrorists who are armed and trained by
the CIA, and defended by President Reagan as "freedom
fighters". They seek to overthrow the popular and 
democratically elected government of Nicaragua.

  According to the New York Times (August 8, 1985),
    "Rebels fighting to overthrow the Nicaraguan
     Government have been receiving direct military
     advice from White House officials on the National
     Security Council. ...The direction include[s] advice
     and tactical influence on the rebels military operations
     as well as help in raising money..."

   In layman's terms, the terrorist scum holding Americans
     hostage are the bosom buddies of the Reagan Adminsitration.

Some questions:
   1) Will the outcry about Americans being held hostage
      be promoted by the government and the media when those
      responsible for the hostage taking are allies of the
   2) Will the dullards on the net who spouted know-nothing
      attacks against the Shi'ites be heard from when Reagan's
      pals are the terrorists?
   3) How much longer will the American people stand for a bullying
      foreign policy that shames our own heritage and helps
      those who hold our own people as hostages?

       Andy Berman


tw8023@pyuxii.UUCP (T Wheeler) (08/09/85)

Not so fast with the accusations Andy.  The reports from the jungle are
not all in yet.  Depending on who you want to believe, the captors are
either Contra or Sandinista.  There have been no conformations of who the
captors are, as of this writing.  The only information I have heard so
far is that the people were released late Thursday afternoon, unharmed.
Now, until they get to someplace they can be interviewed and the
identity of their captors ascertained, let us withhold judgement.
T. C. Wheeler

padraig@utastro.UUCP (Padraig Houlahan) (08/11/85)

> -------------------------
> For those who haven't heard, today's news reports indicate that
> the Nicaraguan contras have kidnapped and are holding hostage 29 American
> religious workers who were on a boat in the San Juan River in
> Nicaragua.
>    1) Will the outcry about Americans being held hostage
>       be promoted by the government and the media when those
>       responsible for the hostage taking are allies of the
>       Administration? 

 A distinction must be made between innocent bystanders and a group
 that deliberately places themselves in a dangerous situation.
 I have no sympathy for the latter when they get into trouble.

>    2) Will the dullards on the net who spouted know-nothing
>       attacks against the Shi'ites be heard from when Reagan's
>       pals are the terrorists?

If the above distinction is made, there is no need for condemnation.
(Of course all of this assumes that you know enough to be able to
make the distinction.)

>    3) How much longer will the American people stand for a bullying
>       foreign policy that shames our own heritage and helps
>       those who hold our own people as hostages?
>        Andy Berman

What bullying foreign policy? Which country greets
its citizens returning from abroad in coffins? Which country
promises retaliatory action against perpretrators of violent acts on its
citizens, but fails do anything about it? Who's bullying who? Who's
carrying the shame? Who's doing nothing about it because dullards gripe
that hitting the guy that kicks your teeth in is a bullying act?

Padraig Houlahan.

arig@cvl.UUCP (Ari Gross) (08/12/85)

> For those who haven't heard, today's news reports indicate that
> the Nicaraguan contras have kidnapped and are holding hostage 29 American
> religious workers who were on a boat in the San Juan River in
> Nicaragua.
> The contras are the terrorists who are armed and trained by
> the CIA, and defended by President Reagan as "freedom
> fighters". They seek to overthrow the POPULAR and 
> DEMOCRATICALLY elected government of Nicaragua.
>        Andy Berman
>        ...ihnp4!ihlpg!berman

      Glad to know the Sandinista thugs were democratically elected.
But then , haven't you heard, so was Michael Gorbachev -- or have
you cancelled your subscription to Pravda ???

                                Ari Gross

wfi@rti-sel.UUCP (William Ingogly) (08/12/85)

In article <710@cvl.UUCP> arig@cvl.UUCP (Ari Gross) writes:

[Andy Berman]
>> For those who haven't heard, today's news reports indicate that
>> the Nicaraguan contras have kidnapped and are holding hostage 29 American
>> religious workers ...
[Ari Gross]
>      Glad to know the Sandinista thugs were democratically elected.
>But then , haven't you heard, so was Michael Gorbachev -- or have
>you cancelled your subscription to Pravda ???

And I thought we buried Joe McCarthy years ago. I deeply resent, Mr.
Gross, the way you and your 'buddies' on the right automatically
condemn anyone to the left of Bill Buckley as a Bad American with ties
to the Soviet Block. I, too, am a taxpayer and a voter in this country
and intend to fight the attempts of a vocal minority to force an
ultraconservative agenda on this country with my votes and political

I find the left's breast-beating over people who deliberately placed
themselves in a situation where they KNEW they would probably be
kidnapped or worse by the Contras as naive as their bemoaning the
murders of the Communist Workers Party members in Greensboro by the
Klan a few years back (sane people do NOT hold a 'Death to the Klan'
rally in Klan country!). This is no cause for your suggesting that
someone you disagree with might be a Communist, however. I find your 
smug condemnation of anyone who disagrees with your politics revolting, 
Mr. Gross. You and your kind are no better Americans than those of 
us with more liberal aspirations.

                             -- Bill Ingogly

bill@persci.UUCP (08/13/85)

In article <185@pyuxii.UUCP> tw8023@pyuxii.UUCP (T Wheeler) writes:
>[...]The reports from the jungle are
>not all in yet.  Depending on who you want to believe, the captors are
>either Contra or Sandinista.  There have been no conformations of who the
>captors are, as of this writing. [...]
>Now, until they get to someplace they can be interviewed and the
>identity of their captors ascertained, let us withhold judgement.
>T. C. Wheeler

Do you think we can believe them even then? These people are not innocent
bystanders, they have incurred the expense of going down there in the first
place because of their political beliefs, and have now been given an
excellent soapbox upon which to preach, no matter who 'captured' them.

William Swan  {ihnp4,decvax,allegra,...}!uw-beaver!tikal!persci!bill

ray@rochester.UUCP (Ray Frank) (08/14/85)

> Not so fast with the accusations Andy.  The reports from the jungle are
> not all in yet.  Depending on who you want to believe, the captors are
> either Contra or Sandinista.  There have been no conformations of who the
> captors are, as of this writing.  The only information I have heard so
> far is that the people were released late Thursday afternoon, unharmed.
> Now, until they get to someplace they can be interviewed and the
> identity of their captors ascertained, let us withhold judgement.
> T. C. Wheeler

What difference does it make who the captors are?  Americans have no business
purposely traveling to a war zone.  I consider those American as combatants. Andif they are hurt or killed, that is their fault as a result of their arrogance.