emery@fluke.UUCP (John Emery) (09/05/85)
Hello everyone, I am responding to the recent state of this newsgroup. There has been some heart-warming articles, some intellectual ariticles, and other stuff. However I really rejoice over believers like Peter Homeier and others who have offered their testimonies and work to make this newsgroup grow in christian love. This group needs christian support. We need witnesses for Christ. I know there are many loving people out there that do no post often (me included) and that have testimonies to offer. I realize that many people are very busy and do not have much time to get involved. But I implore you, if you want this type of fellowship to continue and to grow, we need everyone! The body is made up of many members, not just a few. If someone posts an article that touches you, let everyone know. Personally, I was very touched by the recent articles posted by Peter Homeier. Peter, God bless you. Let us be considerate of non-believers, give time to their questions, respect their opinions, and test sincerity. Let's not concentrate on things that tear us down. Instead, in Jesus' name answer back attacks with love in humility. In that way we may rejoice because we become like Christ and will share in his glory. Before posting, ask yourselves if what you are about to say comes from the heart or if indeed there may be a small bit of bitterness that you have not surrendered. And don't be afraid to confess to the group when you have not acted out of love. I know there are many out there who truly care and are willing to listen. Take a chance! I offer this prayer for this group: Father, if it be your will, use this newsgroup for the glory of your name. Send your Spirit into our hearts so that we mutually build each other up and use this group as an instrument of growth. Through your holy Son, help us to bear temptations to argue. Stregthen each believer in Christ's humility and his victory that we may overcome with his constant joy inside us. In His Name, Amen John Emery
pcl@npois.UUCP (Paul Levin) (09/10/85)
PRAISE THE LORD I address this note to John Emery and to this news group as a whole. Thank you John for posting your article. I have been deeply saddend by recent article arguing doctrine and validity of Christ and G_d. Let me say, for all men to 'hear', that Jesus Christ IS Lord. And He is my Lord. He literally is with me at all times, even when I don't directly experience His presence. (Though often I do directly experience His presence). The following is strictly my opiniun, and in part I direct it to non-believers: For the human being, there are thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and experiences. We base the first three on the last -- experiences. Many believe in G_d, many think He is there, and sometimes we may feel His presence; but when we experience the Lord in our lives we Know (that we Know, that we Know) that G_d and Jesus are real and alive and forever present. I pray that all who read these words may come to know the Love and Peace of a relationship with Jesus. And for believers, I pray, as John prayed, that we may use this news group for His glory and for our grouth in Him. Amen. Paul Levin npois!pcl P.S. If there is anyone who want to speak with me privately concerning the Lord, with serious question, please call me -- at home 201-774-5601, at work 201-922-7266. "I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears me, let him open the door and I will come in and eat with him." -- Jesus Christ