[net.misc] discussion

bte (08/01/82)

 I am really not sure what to think about all this discussion about
Angels Dancing on Pins, Time as a Fourth Dimension, and Free Will
vs Determinism. I will try to make a few points that I may have
already (God alone knows what that means) made.

  1. Time is currently viewed as a dimension, in that it has all
the qualities of a spatial dimension. It is not however,the fourth
dimension in a linear sense; that is, Time is *not* to Space as
Up is to Flatland, if that makes it any clearer. However, in all
quantum mechanics, it is treated as a spatial dimension to be traveled
along. In fact, P Dirac's major contribution to quantum mech was
the revised Schroedinger Wave Equation, which makes the spatial
and temporal dimensions equivalent. So, yes, you can view the
Universe as a 4-dimensional graph (with axes of up-down, left-right,
forward-backwards, and past-future) of events (an event is basicly
the use of energy over a given time, an action).

  2. To ask the Question, Does the Future Already Exist?, is to
contradict terms. The words "exist" and "already" imply something
having a state of being at the space-time coordinate at which the
the question is asked. "Future" implies a series of events occurring
at STC's with a time value higher than the one in which the
question was asked. So, therefore, the Future does not Exist
until it happens (I'm not sure what that means.)

  3. However, this question asks a deeper one: Is there a time-space
system existent which allows observation of ours? If so, what happens?
I.e., can you hop in a time machine, travel to the future, get infor-
mation, travel back, and use this information to change what you saw?
I don't know. Flame about it on your own, as I have no definite knowledge
on the subject.

  4. As for Angels Dancing, the answer is definitely maybe. And thank
you, Charles Wetherell, for explaining the Angels Dancing on Pin Heads
question to us. I really did not know that it ever was a serious quest-
ion, meriting any thought at all.

				Until Next Time,
				Blackhand the Evil
				(Kevin Maroney)