[net.religion.christian] Anti-athiest or an anti-athiest?

bandy@lll-lcc.UUcp (Andrew Scott Beals) (03/06/86)

In article <15859@rochester.UUCP> ray@rochester.UUCP (Ray Frank) writes:
>In article <2657@reed.UUCP>, purtell@reed.UUCP (Lady Godiva) writes:
>> 	Sadly it's true - it seems like there are always Christians, Jews,
>> Muslims and other "people of God" fighting each other about who is
>> really right about Him.
> You forgot to include atheists and agnostics who also have been killing each
>other since forever.  

Ah, but we don't go off an do it all in the Name Of God, thereby washing
oneself of all blame. When we kill (hmm. I wonder if the police here
keep statistics on that sort of thing).

Can you say "crusade"? Can you say "pogrom"? Can you say "nazi"?

>A good example of this is the old Roman empire.  

Bullshit. They were poly-theists.

>They killed for a thousand years, 

Yes, and they were even worse after they were "christianized".

>He only uses God as his scapegoat so as not to be confronted with the truth
>about his real nature.

And what does that say abou athiests? We have no "god", therefore...

>There are tens of thousands of murders and other violent
>crimes commited in this country yearly, does anyone out there think these 
>acts are done in the name of God?  

That's what the killers certainly believe.

I'm PROUD to be a CARBON-BASED lifeform!

andy beals
bandy@lll-crg.arpa	{ihnp4,seismo,ll-xn,qantel,sun}!lll-crg!bandy
LLNL, P.O. Box 808, L-419, Livermore CA 94550 (415) 423-1948