[net.religion.christian] Too many things to choose one.....

cc@locus.ucla.edu (Oleg "Kill the bastards" Kiselev) (10/01/86)

Look, folks.... I have endure M.A.Gore's postings and x-postings to t.r.m
for close to a month without responding to his audacious, arrogant, 
condescending and patronizing inanities. ENOUGH! When someone undeservedly
maligns the name of HASA (and we have plenty of LEGITEMATE reasons to malign
us ;-) -- I can hold back no longer!

I have many very nasty things to say to M.A.Gore, but I will not. All I am 
asking is: 

	M.A. Gore! Either stay in [net|mod].religion.christian and do 
	whatever you please, or TRY to be civil and polite to your readers.
	That includes abandoning your libelous and unsubstantiated attacks
	on HASA, your patronizing and condescending attitude toward your
	readers, thinly veiled contempt and even hatered of non-Xtians,
	your self-righteousness backed up by your mis-interpretation of a 
	mis-translation of a very poor piece of 2000-year old religious
	propaganda... You can keep your blind faith and your psychotic
	delusions -- as long as WE are not subjected to a continual barrage
	of your misguided zeal.

				Oleg Kiselev, HASA, "A" division founder.