magore@watdcsu.UUCP (M.A.Gore - ICR) (09/28/86)
The following quote had no comment so my reply is not to the poster but in general. Also I would like to get some discussion going about some issues that need clearing up.... In article <1135@mhuxt.UUCP> mtglass@mhuxt.UUCP (RICHARDSON) writes: >> "There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot >> face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gee I wounder just *who* could be implicated here considering the news group??? But I put this question to the news group. WHO is it that believes in myths? Is it the Christians that have a Living God that reveals himself to those who seek him OR those who believe in myths about what Christians believe??? (ok the last question is stacked (-: well so is the above quote). Main point of this posting. What do non-Christians think that Christians believe in God for?: 1) 'Just because the Bible tells us.' 2) 'Because we need a crutch to hold are lives up.' 3) 'Our parents told us.' 4) 'Not very bright. No science in our education.' 5) 'There is a sucker born every minute.' These are just a few of the myths that non-Christians have about Christians. But I contend *if* you believe these or statements like these that you have a 'comfortable myth' and a crutch that will keep you from understanding Christians. I grew up being a non-Christian and did not think it was required that I *need* a God to make life work. I felt that *many* were being deceived by the Christian 'myth'. I remember doing a report in high school about Galileo - and my blood boiled when he was put down by the 'Church'. I felt there was just no sense in talking to Christians. They were just another cult off to rape the minds of our young - to be stopped if reason was to live and so on... Yes those myths about Christianity came to have the appeal of 'truth' or 'common' sense. TV put 'it' down as did the educational system-but lightly by only showning the Church to be the block to the modern 'Scientific' way of thinking. The 'Church' was put down because of the politics in our history etc etc... Yet people around me put 'it' down (as I did also) and laid more foundation to the 'myth'. (Of course good myths have some truth. - It would be like saying *all* people can't read 25% true if you believe reports these days. But *ALL*, -garbage) Still I came to believe in God/Christ because I used the method of *verification* outlined in the Bible. - Nothing any Christian can say (that is words) will convince another of the validity of Christianity. God/Christ ultimately does the convincing/convicting (re Bible etc) but they have to do the looking. Luke 11:9 (NIV) "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. & Jeremiah 29:13-14 John 14:16-17 (NIV) "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, The Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me;" & John 15:26 & Psalm 16:7 You need not be blind: Proverbs 4:7 (NIV) 7) Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Watch out for 'myths' because: Proverbs 14:6 (NIV) 6) The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning. Yet He didn't say that understanding would be easy: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Keep an open mind while you look else: Acts 13:41 (NIV) "Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you." # Mike Gore # Institute for Computer Research. # These ideas/concepts do not imply views held by the University of Waterloo.
cc100jr@gitpyr.gatech.EDU (Joel Rives) (10/07/86)
In article <2584@watdcsu.UUCP> magore@watdcsu.UUCP (M.A.Gore - ICR) writes: > [ Stacked question deleted and ignored ] >Main point of this posting. What do non-Christians think that >Christians believe in God for?: > > 1) 'Just because the Bible tells us.' > 2) 'Because we need a crutch to hold are lives up.' > 3) 'Our parents told us.' > 4) 'Not very bright. No science in our education.' > 5) 'There is a sucker born every minute.' > > These are just a few of the myths that non-Christians >have about Christians. But I contend *if* you believe these or >statements like these that you have a 'comfortable myth' and a >crutch that will keep you from understanding Christians. > I can not speak for other non-Christians but it is not my way to question anothers faith, whether that faith is Buddhism, Christianity or Wicca. I will invite intelligent discussion on philosophical or theological matters. Yet, if a person merely says, "This is what I believe ....", then there is no room for discourse. I am also discerning enough to realize that when a person tells me they are Christian and proceeds to try and convert me, I need not associate this demeaning and antisocial behaviour with all Christians. Amoung my close circle of friends are included a devoutly religious Christian couple. Never once, in our years of association, have they felt inclined to try and convince me of the errors of my ways. This posting is particularly poignant since I have recently received mail from both Kiki and Dave. In both cases, they expressed what seemed to be sincere interest in the spiritual experiences of my life. Yet, in both cases, they ended up insinuating that my experiences are of lesser quality because I do not claim faith in their god. This is clearly an insult and I told them as much. I suggest that anyone who has similar intent, please, examine your motives and your actions carefully. Granted, there are probably a great number of people in the world who are unsure of themselves, who haven't formed a cohesive faith yet. That is part of the growing-up process. Even so, there are still a great number of people in the world who have formed a solid faith in something and the vast majority of them are not Christian. -- Joel Rives gatech!gitpyr!cc100jr There is no place to seek the mind; It is like the footprints of the birds in the sky.
steiny@scc.UUCP (Don Steiny) (10/09/86)
In article <2584@watdcsu.UUCP> magore@watdcsu.UUCP (M.A.Gore - ICR) writes: >Main point of this posting. What do non-Christians think that >Christians believe in God for?: > > 1) 'Just because the Bible tells us.' > 2) 'Because we need a crutch to hold are lives up.' > 3) 'Our parents told us.' > 4) 'Not very bright. No science in our education.' > 5) 'There is a sucker born every minute.' > > These are just a few of the myths that non-Christians >have about Christians. But I contend *if* you believe these or >statements like these that you have a 'comfortable myth' and a >crutch that will keep you from understanding Christians. > I had an acquaintance in high school that took so much LSD that the spirts came and talked to him and told him to read the bible. He has been a fanatical Christian ever since (nearly 20 years). You can add "hallucinations" to the list. -- scc!steiny Don Steiny @ Don Steiny Software 109 Torrey Pine Terrace Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060 (408) 425-0382