jimb@amd.UUCP (Jim Budler) (11/24/84)
I'm reposting my original answer to a question in net.micro.apple here in net.micro.mac as it is appropriate. Since I am fairly new at posting I didn't think to do the double posting during my original posting. In article <emory.1436> km@emory.UUCP (Ken Mandelberg) writes: >Does anyone have a patch for macterminal that will make >it easier to type a ~. Using Fedit open MacTerminal. In block 7 at position 150 is a row of 16 characters, mostly periods, with four ` and two ~. These sixteen characters are the table for the ~/`/Esc key. I changed it as follows: Starting at position 150: HEX 1B60 7E7E 1B60 7E7E 7E60 7E7E 7E60 7E7E ASCII .`~~.`~~~`~~~`~~ The first 1B is the unshifted key. The second 1B is with caps lock on. The four ` are the command, caps lock-command, and either option & command. Any key combination with the shift key pressed will generate the tilde. I renamed the file MacTerm to distinguish it and placed a note in the get information. Thus I can always spot the modified version. -- Jim Budler Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (408) 982-6547 UUCPnet: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amd!jimb Compuserve: 72415,1200 The Source: STW265 -- Jim Budler Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (408) 982-6547 UUCPnet: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amd!jimb Compuserve: 72415,1200 The Source: STW265