[net.micro.mac] Technical WP on Mac?

km@emory.UUCP (Ken Mandelberg) (11/28/84)

Does anyone know of a word processor for the Mac designed
for mathematics, ie. one that handles subscripts, superscripts,
and special symbols nicely.

The Mac seems a natural for this application.
Ken Mandelberg
Emory University
Dept of Math and CS
Atlanta, Ga 30322

{akgua,sb1,gatech,decvax}!emory!km   USENET
km@emory                      CSNET
km.emory@csnet-relay          ARPANET

rick@uwmacc.UUCP (the absurdist) (11/30/84)

[ Insert disk LINE EATER BUG ]

I don't know of any specific source for a PROGRAM for math/scientific
word processing.  However, Reed College has produced a very nice set
of Greek/Math FONTS for doing such word processing.  They are in
the public domain, as are Gaelic & Cyrillic fonts (don't know
who wrote these two).  Check out user's groups;  I've seen ads
for fonts @ $100 for Greek;  too much to pay for a product that is
duplicated in the public domain!

"But Dinsdale...Dinsdale used <pause> sarcasm!"
	we all know where this quote came from, don't we?

Rick Keir -- MicroComputer Information Center, MACC
1210 West Dayton St/U Wisconsin Madison/Mad WI 53706

{allegra, ihnp4, seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!rick