[net.micro.mac] Copy II Mac Rumors? Disk Doctor Programs?

iltis@ucsbcsl.UUCP ( ) (01/18/85)

With regards to my previous posting, I called up Central Point Software
to order Copy II Mac.  If Apple has indeed bought them out, they are
at least still selling the program.  

I would also appreciate any information on "disk doctor" type programs
that would allow me to repair trashed disks. I am also interested in
hearing opinions from those better informed than myself on why the system
file is so fragile.  For example, I have often found that by copying a
good system file to a disk that refuses to boot, I can resurrect the disk.

<<<Flame on>>>  I worked intensively with the IBM PC for a year and a
 half writing
everything from assembler to c programs with prototype boards and logic
analyzers stuck into the machine.  I NEVER, EVER lost a file on a floppy
disk.  I NEVER, EVER had a disk that refused to boot.  Granted, the system
file and finder on the Mac is vastly more complex than DOS, but safeguards
should have been built in as part of the complexity to guard against trashing
files. <<< Flame off >>>  
Ronald A. Iltis

jimb@amd.UUCP (Jim Budler) (01/21/85)

In article <> iltis@ucsbcsl.UUCP ( ) writes:
><<<Flame on>>>  I worked intensively with the IBM PC for a year and a
> half writing
>everything from assembler to c programs with prototype boards and logic
>analyzers stuck into the machine.  I NEVER, EVER lost a file on a floppy
>disk.  I NEVER, EVER had a disk that refused to boot.  Granted, the system
>file and finder on the Mac is vastly more complex than DOS, but safeguards
>should have been built in as part of the complexity to guard against trashing

It must be nice.  I remember a lot of problems with the DOS back with 1.0,
and a few with 1.1.  I haven't worked much with 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0 but a co-worker
just lost a whole hard disk full.

Why does everyone forget that the IBM PC is on it's FIFTH iteration of OS and
the Mac is only on it's second.

 Jim Budler
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
 (408) 982-6547
 UUCPnet: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amd!jimb
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