supp@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (Steve Upp) (02/20/85)
Yesterday at our local Mac users group a sales representative and engineer from General Computing Inc. presented the Hyperdrive. (The Hyperdrive is the new 10 MB internal hard disk drive for the Macintosh). The drive comes with quite a bit of very interesting software, including volume management, volume password protection, individual file password protection, and backup utilities. The drive is of course very very fast and really enhances the capabilities of a Macintosh. (I'm sold) however..... What has been your experience with the product? I'm interested primarily in hardware reliability and servicing difficulties. We are considering distributing this product through our micro "store" and were wondering what comments people have concerning GCI's support to their venders? Do they answer questions etc.... We are members of the Apple University Consortium and would be interested in hearing from othrer schools who have already begun dealing with GCI. Any comments at all would be appreciated. Thanks in advance -- Steve Upp University of Chicago Computation Center ARPA: Bitnet: supp%sphinx@UChicago.bitnet Mailnet: Staff.Steve@UChicago.mailnet UUCP: ...!ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!supp