bill@utastro.UUCP (William H. Jefferys) (03/14/85)
A copy of SKEL.c and SKEL.R have been posted (in shar format) to net.sources.mac. These are (Megamax) C versions of Steve Maker's Skeleton Macintosh Application, and are intended to aid in learning how to use the Mac effectively as a software development tool. Both Steve and I suggest that if there are any significant changes or improvements that you feel should be incorporated into either the C or Pascal versions, they be communicated to him {decvax!dartvax!steve} as the single-point contact. We will endeavor to keep the C and Pascal versions as nearly identical as possible, for a given version number. Have fun! -- "Men never do evil so cheerfully and so completely as when they do so from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal Bill Jefferys 8-% Astronomy Dept, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712 (USnail) {allegra,ihnp4}!{ut-sally,noao}!utastro!bill (uucp) bill%utastro.UTEXAS@ut-sally.ARPA (ARPANET)