[net.micro.mac] mac upgrades

henry@rochester.UUCP (03/21/85)

From: Henry.Kautz

A scheme just occurred to me, how you could get a cheap, do-it-yourself
upgrade and not worry about voiding the warrenty.  Apple pays dealers
$100 for old 128K boards.  So find a dealer who will sell you one for,
say, $150, cash, no questions asked.  Buy the chips (<$180) and solder
them into the the new board.  Swap it in yourself.  If your mac dies,
stick your original board back in!  If you socket the chips in the
upgrade board, then you can pull the 256k chips out if the board goes
bad...at worse, you'll be out your original $150....  Somebody want to
try this???
---- Henry Kautz
	:uucp:	{seismo|allegra}!rochester!henry
	:arpa:	henry@rochester
	:mail:  Dept. of Comp. Sci., U. of Rochester, NY 14627
	:phone: (716) 275-5766

hkr4627@acf4.UUCP (Hedley K. J. Rainnie) (03/21/85)

If you went that route, I doubt you could beat the price one of those
upgrade services cost. You might as well save the effort and have them do it.
Unless of course you would like the 'I did it myself' feeling which has
no price. I like the idea though.
