seth@ucla-cs.UUCP (04/21/85)
Help, Mister Wizard, Heeeeelp! I just had a rather traumatic experience and was wondering if anyone might have encountered similar problems or venture a guess as to what happened: I powered up my Mac and put in a startup disk. The disk has Finder 3.0X on it and has been working just fine. When I looked at the screen later, I say the Bomb with ID = 13. OK, try again. Same thing. Now I hit the reset button and this time I get a Sad Mac. Hit the reset button again with the disk in the drive and it boots. Power off and on and this time I get the sad mac immediately after powering up with no disks in the drives! This repeated several times. I played with the reset button and the original disk and a different disk and was able to boot if the disk was already inserted in the internal drive, or if I put it in the external drive, BUT if there was no disk at all and I put it in the internal drive I got the Sad Mac. Finally I just hit the reset button a bunch of times and things seem to be okay now. Any ideas? I have a surge supressor so the power should be okay. Could there have been some kind of static buildup in the internal drive? Any suggestions or similar experiences would be welcome (i.e. is this an omen that something major is about to happen?). Seth Goldman ARPA: seth@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA UUCP: ...!{ihnp4,cepu,trwspp,sdcrdcf,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!seth USMail: Computer Science Department A.I. Lab, 3531 Boelter Hall UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 (213) 825-5199