[net.micro.mac] Red Ryder 5.0 posting.

eilers@stolaf.UUCP (David V. Eilers) (05/03/85)

Posted to net.sources.mac : Red Ryder 5.0 and Documents.

    I have posted Red Ryder 5.0, some Remote Service Procedures (RSP) and the 
MacWrite documentation to net.sources.mac.  They are PACKITed files.
To get them into usable form, first convert the files with BinHex
(version 4 or latter).  This will give you a PACKIT file on your desktop.
Next run that file through PACKIT, chosing "Unpack" from the menu to
seperate these files.  That's it.  I intended to post Red Ryder, the docs.
and the RSP in one file, however because of the limitations of our 
UNIX Editor's buffer size, I had to post them as two seperate files.
    This new version of Red Ryder has several improvments over version 4.0.
First a bug that prevented Red Ryder from sending a ASCII file while in
"HOST" mode has been fixed.  Next it will generate a Delete character
by typing comand-backspace, a big advantage for me.  Another new feature is
that it stores the last screenful of text that has run off the top so
you can view it with a click of the mouse.  It also has a "Print TEXT file"
under a menu so that you can print out a text file without leaving Red Ryder.
Most importantly it incororates the new Brothers' (Dennis Brothers of
CompuServe Fame) Binary proctol that allows you to transfer any file,
data and resource, without first converting it with BinHex.  When you
recieve these files (with xmodem), it converts them back to their original
state as it receives them and they appear as programs or documents on
your desktop without the need for BinHex conversion.
    I firs posted Red Ryder 4.0 asking for comparisions to other terminal
programs so I could decide whether to but Red Ryder or not.  After using
Red Ryder for a couple months, I'm convinced.  Red Ryder is the terminal
program I want.  After seeing all the improvements in this version and
with the promise of continued improvement, my check is in the mail.
ASlready it can do certain things that no other terminal program I know
of can do, like complete auto logon (RSP), macro keys, etc.  For verson
6.0, DEC 100 emulation is planned along with conditional if - then statements
for the RSP.
    I am posting this to the net so you can see for yourself the commitment
the author has to inproving this program and to give you a chance to use it and
see just how good it already is.  Remeber, this is "user supported" software.
If you find it useful and plan on keeping it, you are expected and responsible
to buy the license for it.  First off, it is a very good deal for $40.00.
I paid $90.00 for my copy of MacTerminal that has sat on my self ever sense I got Red Ryder.  Second the money you pay to support this program will enable
the author, Scott Watson, to continue to work on and improve this program.
So if you do not register, you are really hurting yourself and all other 
Red Ryder users. Finaly, you have to have a sense of fair play.  This guy
worked long hours to make Red Ryder as good and usful of program as it is
to us.  He deserves our support.  Enough said about the registraion.  This,
however is the last verson I will be posting to the net, so if you want
further updates, you'll have to register.
    I have no relation to the Freesoft Co. or to the author.  I'm just a 
Red Ryder user who happens to think it is a great program and would like
to see it stay around.  I'm doing my best to be "user supportive", as
well as trying to help the rest of my friends out there in net.land.

    I hope that you like Red Ryder and have found this posting to 
be helpful.  If you have any problem, questions or comments,just
mail me a note.  I'll try and answer them as quickly as I can.

                    Dave Eilers

                    (507) 663-2577