[net.micro.mac] MacTerminal w/ LaserWriter

jed@mb2c.UUCP (John Duncan) (05/08/85)

We now have our LaserWriter, and just love it.  MacTerminal however does
not want to fully cooperate with it.  Selections printed from MacTerminal
come out in Helvetica which is a variable width font so the columns that
UNIX lined up so nicely for me, are all crooked.  It doesn't work any better
if "Font Substitution" is turned off.

According to the LaserWriter documentation, if Font Substitution is turned on,
Monaco should map to Courier which is a fixed spaced font.  I know that
MacTerminal uses a modified Monaco, is this the problem?  Just for the heck of
it, I tried a COPY/PASTE operation from MacTerminal to MacWrite, and the
resulting text comes out in Geneva.

Any suggestions on what the problem is and how to cope?

John Duncan	(mb2c!jed)	Michigan Bell		(313) 968-9002