[net.micro.mac] net.sources.mac posting descriptions

jer@peora.UUCP (J. Eric Roskos) (05/15/85)

I think someone recently posted a comment on this subject, but since it
didn't seem to do much good, I want to make the following suggestion once

When posting things to net.sources.mac, PLEASE include a short but thorough
description of what the thing you are posting does!  Many items get posted
with some Subject: field like "Neato gizmo for mac", and a description that
reads "This is a really nifty program I got off CompuServe.  Hope you
enjoy it."  Others, like the one this followup is commenting on, contain
a reasonable subject ("Telegraph Accessory for Mac"), but inadequate
description.  Is this a program that helps you learn morse code?  Or that
just draws a picture of a telegraph key going up and down?  Or that just
beeps randomly?  Or what?  Those of use who have slow modems have to spend
sometimes an hour or more to retrieve a posting; it is very frustrating
when it turns out that the neato gizmo was really the same program someone
else posted a few days before, or when it turns out that the program
described ("This program draws saddles on a window in the Mac screen")
turns out to do something entirely different from what you had expected from
the too-concise description.

I know net.sources.mac isn't supposed to contain a lot of text, because of
the fact that people archive it, etc., but there's sort of a space-time
tradeoff here.  I think a little extra description would be worth it.

Full-Name:  J. Eric Roskos
UUCP:       ..!{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!vax135!petsd!peora!jer
US Mail:    MS 795; Perkin-Elmer SDC;
	    2486 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809-7642