aebi@unizh.UUCP (06/05/85)
First of all I would like to thank all of you who took the time to answer my request. Up to now I got about 35 replies. All but one asked me to post the compiler to the net. So I finally got the permission from our sysop to post the stuff. I hope those of you who sent mail aren't disappointed if I don't answer all the questions individually. But let me summarize some of the questions and suggestions that could be of interest to everybody: - The e-mail address you specified was wrong. In the last message I specified my address as follows: !{seismo,mcvax,cernvax,unizh}!aebi This was wrong. It should have been ...seismo!mcvax!cernvax!unizh!aebi I apologize for any inconvinience that anybody had because of this mistake. - Where can I get a general version of the 68K Modula-2 compiler from ? For more information or a source code licence write directly to: Michael Moser Institut fuer Elektronik Gloriastr. 35 CH-8092 Zuerich Switzerland This is *not* the Macintosh version. But it is the code the Mac version is based on. (BTW There's a rumor, that Atari will adapt this compiler for their ST. So everybody may get a useful development tool right from the start!) - How much for a licence of the Macintosh version ? At the moment you can't buy the source code as there is nobody at the ETH who has got the time to do the distribution. But I will post some of the modules (e.g. the module that does the trap call, the LisaPascal source of the loader) to the net. So you will be able to create your own Toolbox library. - Can we distribute the compiler to Mac users groups ? Feel free to give this compiler to your friends, other networks, users groups and so on. - Could you please repost the PackIt program as missed it. As the whole posting is useless if people can't unpack the files, I will redistribute this very useful utility. - Couldn't you give the compiler to sumex and hope, that copies trickle to non-arpa sites. As I don't know how to do this from here, I leave this up to anybody on the net who is able to do so. - Will the compiler run on 128 kByte Macs ? It doesn't seem, as if there was anybody willing to spend the time to shrink the compiler at the ETH. But if any hacker would like to try it, I will give him any support I can. - You should post the compiler bit by bit. That's exactly what I plan to do. The posting consists of 13 files of a size between 31 and 64 kBytes. I will post one of the files every two or three days. So watch out. Don't miss any of them. Given their size we should try to avoid any reposting. - Mac Modula Users Group After thinking about it, I agree with those of you who suggested to keep the exchange of information, programs and modules on the net. As we'll see that this loads the net to much, we still can search for an other form of communication / distribution. - Yes, I'd like to help the compiler people by writing some modules. Many thanks to everybody who is willing to spend some time on this. I'll let you know, what could be done, as soon as I get some specifi- cations from the ETH. (You may also just do what you think should be done. I'll try to give you as much support as possible) ***** Now let's get to the technical details of the posting: To keep all the files of the posting below the 64 kByte limit, I won't add any comment to the files sent in net.sources.mac. Instead I will give you some hints on downloading and placing the files to the different disks here: - You need three blank disks. Name them as M2-System M2-Doc MODLIB (the compiler won't work if this disk has an other name) - Put all the System-Files and an editor (MDS editor, MacWrite ...) on the M2-System and M2-Doc disks. - Download the 'PackIt' program from the net as you will need this to unpack the postings of the compiler. - Load down the files posted to net.sources.mac. Convert them with binhex 4.0 / 5.0. - By now you should have a file with a name like m2-?.pit. Unpack this file using the PackIt program. If everything went ok, there should now be several binary files on your disk. - Copy the files to the disk that is specified in the table below. File-Name Disk Comment ========= ==== ======= Part 1 ------ Exec128 M2-System loader for 128 kByte Macs Exec512 M2-System loader for 512 kByte Macs PiRandom M2-System sample program *) Hiero M2-System sample program *) *) these are executable files generated by the M2 compiler. You may try these little demos at this point (i.e. you don't need any other files to run them) Part 2 ------ CKurve2 M2-System sample program Magic.MOD M2-System sample source PiRandom.MOD M2-System sample source Hiero.MOD M2-System sample source CKurve2.MOD M2-System sample source LisaConvert M2-Doc Introduction M2-Doc short introduction to the compiler Part 3 ------ GUIDE.TXT M2-Doc Explanation of all the compiler options... Part 4 ------ CLOCK.DEF M2-Doc *.DEF: Definition modules CONVERSIONS.DEF M2-Doc EVENTMGR.DEF M2-Doc INTERMINAL.DEF M2-Doc LOADER.DEF M2-Doc M2FILES.DEF M2-Doc MATHLIB0.DEF M2-Doc MATHLIB1.DEF M2-Doc MCLOOKUP.DEF M2-Doc OUTTERMINAL.DEF M2-Doc REALTERMINAL.DEF M2-Doc STORAGE.DEF M2-Doc TERMINAL.DEF M2-Doc CLOCK.SYM MODLIB *.SYM: Symbol files CONVERSIONS.SYM MODLIB EVENTMGR.SYM MODLIB INTERMINAL.SYM MODLIB LOADER.SYM MODLIB M2FILES.SYM MODLIB MATHLIB0.SYM MODLIB MATHLIB1.SYM MODLIB MCLOOKUP.SYM MODLIB OUTTERMINAL.SYM MODLIB REALTERMINAL.SYM MODLIB STORAGE.SYM MODLIB TERMINAL.SYM MODLIB Part 5 ------ OPTIONS.DEF M2-Doc OSCONSTANTS.DEF M2-Doc OUTFILE.DEF M2-Doc PASCALSTRINGS.DEF M2-Doc QUICKDRAW.DEF M2-Doc SFPACKAGE.DEF M2-Doc OPTIONS.SYM MODLIB OUTFILE.SYM MODLIB PASCALSTRINGS.SYM MODLIB QUICKDRAW.SYM MODLIB SFPACKAGE.SYM MODLIB Part 6 ------ m2link MODLIB M2 linker Part 7 ------ CONVERSIONS.LNK MODLIB *.LNK: link files LOADER.LNK MODLIB m2comp MODLIB M2 compiler M2FILES.LNK MODLIB REALTERMINAL.LNK MODLIB Part 8 ------ CLOCK.LNK MODLIB EVENTMGR.LNK MODLIB INTERMINAL.LNK MODLIB M2ROOTLOOKUP.LNK MODLIB MACBASE.LNK MODLIB MATHLIB0.LNK MODLIB MATHLIB1.LNK MODLIB MCLOOKUP.LNK MODLIB MEMORYMGR.LNK MODLIB OPTIONS.LNK MODLIB OSTYPES.LNK MODLIB OUTFILE.LNK MODLIB OUTTERMINAL.LNK MODLIB PASCALSTRINGS.LNK MODLIB PBFILE.LNK MODLIB PSTRINGS.LNK MODLIB QUICKDRAW.LNK MODLIB SFPACKAGE.LNK MODLIB STORAGE.LNK MODLIB SYSTEMX.LNK MODLIB TERMINAL.LNK MODLIB Part 9 ------ M2CP4.LOD MODLIB compiler pass 4 Part 10 ------- M2CP1.LOD MODLIB compiler pass 1 M2CLIS.LOD MODLIB Part 11 ------- M2CP2.LOD MODLIB compiler pass 2 Compiler.MERR MODLIB Part 12 ------- M2CINI.LOD MODLIB M2CP3.LOD MODLIB Part 13 ------- M2CP5.LOD MODLIB M2CSYM.LOD MODLIB p-mail: Matthias Aebi e-mail: ...seismo!mcvax!cernvax!unizh!aebi Hirschgartnerweg 25 CH-8057 Zuerich Switzerland