[net.micro.mac] Two questions

pc@unisoft.UUCP (Paul Campbell) (07/06/85)

	I have two questions that someone out ther must be able to answer

1)	Can someone please repost me the stuff about how to get mazewars

2)	How can I get to the person who posted the PD ramdisk software
	about 6 weeks ago, I would like to see one that is based at
	1Mb and of size 512K ..... (or pref where these are tunable
	parameters), also I would like to see a version that dosen't
	initialise the ramdisk when it comes up ... just installs the driver
	and boots to the finder so you don't have to rebuild the ramdisk
	after every crash. I have patched the sumac ramdisk that everyone
	has seen to do these things but I would like it to  be able to do the
	copying at boot time.

	thanks in advance

		Paul Campbell
