bill@utastro.UUCP (William H. Jefferys) (07/25/85)
> You will note the rather strange format. This is because the document > was created using Binhex5, in the new MacBin format. MacBin is not > an ascii printable format. I used uuencode to make it postable. To > recover, cut out the following and use uudecode to obtain the file. > Binhex5 was posted (in Binhex4 format) earlier. I hate looking a gift horse in the mouth, but this is an EXTRAORDINARILY PAINFUL way to receive a file. I customarily download the entire article to the Mac, and only later do I edit the file and decode it. My Mac doesn't have uudecode, does yours? Why not use BinHex version 4, which transmits readily over uucp and doesn't require these extra steps? Save version 5 for CompuServe, please!!!! While I am flaming away, I have noticed a lot of requests for retransmissions, etc., in net.sources.mac. PLEASE, FOLKS, net.sources.mac is for SOURCE CODE ONLY. Many sites archive net.sources.mac, and having it cluttered up with messages like this is not a nice thing to do to the many site administrators that receive net.sources.mac. Please post all such requests, and any other things that should not be archived, to net.micro.mac, NOT to net.sources.mac. Thank you. -- "Men never do evil so cheerfully and so completely as when they do so from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal Bill Jefferys 8-% Astronomy Dept, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712 (USnail) {allegra,ihnp4}!{ut-sally,noao}!utastro!bill (uucp) bill%utastro.UTEXAS@ut-sally.ARPA (ARPANET)
bill@utastro.UUCP (William H. Jefferys) (07/25/85)
> You will note the rather strange format. This is because the document > was created using Binhex5, in the new MacBin format. MacBin is not > an ascii printable format. I used uuencode to make it postable. To > recover, cut out the following and use uudecode to obtain the file. > Binhex5 was posted (in Binhex4 format) earlier. > More on this. As I feared, I was unable to perform the inverse translation fully. After downloading the converted file to the Mac, BinHex 5 did not recognize the converted file. Just one more reason to stick with BinHex 4.0! -- "Men never do evil so cheerfully and so completely as when they do so from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal Bill Jefferys 8-% Astronomy Dept, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712 (USnail) {allegra,ihnp4}!{ut-sally,noao}!utastro!bill (uucp) bill%utastro.UTEXAS@ut-sally.ARPA (ARPANET)