tim@callan.UUCP (Tim Smith) (08/26/85)
Don't bother trying to convert my recent posting of Switcher 4.3. First of all, it seems that no copies of BinHex and many copies of xbin can't convert it, and secondly, Switcher 4.4 is to be on MAUG(tm) soon. Speaking of xbin and Switcher 4.3: I still have no idea what is going on with xbin. The xbin I have converts it ok, although my copy of BinHex 5.0 doesn't like the checksum, and I have recieved mail saying that BinHex 4.0 doesn't like it either. I have tried the following experiment: 1. upload random file with macget. 2. unxbin with my unxbin stuff ( latest version - different from what I recently posted. Difference is that is does runlength encoding now ). 3. xbin result of step two. No complaints. 4. download result of step 3 with macput. All OK. 5. download output of step 2. 6. Run BinHex 5.0 on result of step 5. Result: checksum error. 7. Pick random file from net.sources.mac. 8. xbin file from step 7. 9. unxbin file from step 8. 10. Files from step 7 and step 9 are the same. What am I doing wrong? If I can't get this figured out, I will not attempt to post Switcher 4.4, since I don't want to waste peoples time with a posting that they con't convert. -- Tim Smith ihnp4!{cithep,wlbr!callan}!tim