vantreeck@logic.DEC (09/10/85)
>Does anybody know if muMath or other products for >symbolic mathematic processing are available for Macintosh? >Or is anything 'around the corner' ? >Please mail me if you happen to know anything on the >subject. The PROLOG was originally developed to do proofs, and therefore it is very useful for symbolic math processing. Micro-PROLOG (Logic Programming Associates, 10 Burntwood Close, SW 18 3JU, London, England) is available on the Mac - $450. I think they have educational discounts. I know there was a grad student at the Wang Institute (Tyngsboro, MA, 01789) that wrote a Micro-PROLOG program to simplify many types of equations. The institute is a small school specializing in software engineering. I bet if you check with the school, they could track down the program (or person that wrote the program) for you. George Van Treeck AI Tech. Group Digital Equip. Corp. Hudson, MA DISCLAIMER: I have no association with the Logic Programming Associates nor with the Wang Institute.