[net.micro.mac] Tops-20 macget/put

brian@ut-sally.UUCP (Brian H. Powell) (09/22/85)

     I will soon be working on a dec20 and I will probably be bringing up
macput and macget.  I have a few questions.

1)  How well do the tops-20 versions work?

2)  Does anybody have versions newer than the ones on sumex?

3)  Why is macget.mac 32K and macput.mac 1.4M?

Brian H. Powell
		UUCP:	{ihnp4,seismo,ctvax}!ut-sally!brian
		ARPA:	brian@sally.UTEXAS.EDU

		 U.S. Mail:		 Southwestern Bell
		P.O. Box 5899		345-0932
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