[net.misc] Permanent sporadic flames about silly topics

tim (10/08/82)

Every so often, someone says "Look, nothing will get settled
here, the points you're talking about are moot anyway, why
don't you just cut it out?" These people have a point, but
neglect the fact that net.misc occassionally contains non-moot
points. To handle this discrepancy, I suggest the formation of
net.moot. This could be overseen by keyword-finding programs
at each site that reroute articles intended for net.misc. I
suggest the following list for inclusion in the keyword file:
determinism	free will	abortion	faster-than-light
creationism	smoking		wombats		truth
right[s]	God		flame[s]	atrocity
I would like to see other people's suggestions for inclusion.
Of course, constant updating of the list would be neccessary;
I suggest the addition of an "m" (mootify) command to the
various readnews programs, and establishment of critical
mootification levels neccessary before rerouting a topic.

			V'z abg nsenvq gb fvta zl anzr,
			V'z whfg nsenvq bs lbh ernqvat vg
			Gvz Znebarl (Gur Jbzong Fynlre)
			gvz@hap [be hap!gvz sbe lbh cevzvgvirf]