eirikur@amber.DEC (Eirikur Hallgrimsson) (10/26/85)
I used to do a lot of electronic music stuff with clumsy, tweak-prone analog modules. FMsound, and WaveMaker peaked my interest in using the Mac for sound synthesis, but I haven't seen anything else in that vain come along. If I had a programming language, which I will get around to purchasing at some point, I'd be working on a sequencer and "rythm box" program, and a "Synthesizer." Has anyone on the net tried this? A related query: The 1st issue of MacUser has an ad for the MacNifty Music Keyboard. It appears to be a keyboard similar to the (ok, but not great) one used for the Intellevision. Any experiences? I can't find a local dealer. Related MacNifty note: I downloaded their SoundPlayer application and some sampled sounds from CompuServe. Nice. Called them: this is the forerunner of a sound sampler product. In combination with the keyboard and ConcertWare+ this may be a big step. Eirikur Hallgrimsson ...decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-amber!eirikur Posted: Fri 25-Oct-1985 14:30 Marlborough uncorrected time. To: RHEA::DECWRL::net.micro.mac