roy@nlm-vax.ARPA (Roy Standing) (11/07/85)
I have used a MacBottom 10Mbyte drive for several weeks now. I upgraded that machine to 2Mbytes RAM (Levco Monster Mac) more recently. MacBottom advantages: 1. non-invasive 2. transportable to other Macs 3. user can create/delete and resize volumes 4. the Finder can be locked -- it is always the Finder used when returning to the desktop MacBottom disadvantages: 1. slower than Hyperdrive 2. decreasing a volume's size wipes out the volume directory 3. must boot from a floppy 4. no security features Levco advantages: 1. large RAMdisk available 2. switcher can really strut its stuff 3. can boot as 512K Mac by use of Reset and Interrupt switches 4. can populate board for 1Mbyte, 1.5Mbyte, or 2Mbyte 5. Expansion connector will support SCSI hard disk Levco disadvantages: 1. doesn't pass Mac diagnostics in Monster Mac mode 2. violates Mac warranty (newer clip-on version may change this) 3. requires use of a fan (albeit VERY quiet) Interactions MacBottom provides a special shutdown program to be used instead of the system shutdown command. The MacBottom application adds parking the hard disk's heads on the landing track. GOTCHA: MacBottom has a switch to select whether the heads should land at the hub or rim depending on the manufacture of the drive but MacBottom doesn't tell you what drive you have and where its heads should be parked. The MacBottom shutdown program doesn't work properly on the Monster Mac. Summary thoughts MacBottom is nice but 10Mbyte is just not enough in my environment. The lack of any security is a real problem. Since the boot floppy must be left out and it allows anyone to create/delete/resize volumes it is a disaster waiting to happen. There should be a way to block users from changing volume paqrameters. As presently constituted, the system is okay for a single user environment but not for a multi-user one. Levco's Monster Mac is GREAT, if your pattern of use takes advantage of it. I tend to give myself a RAMdisk with about 800K and setup Switcher with MacTerminal, BINHEX, Packit, DA/Font Mover, DA Sampler, MacWrite, and Finder. This works great for uploading/downloading stuff to/from the most useful of newsgroups -- net.sources.mac. I find that I tend to get a lot of mileage out of Switcher, I change the loaded applications as I move between tasks and reboot very rarely. If I had to choose between the Monster Mac and MacBottom I would choose Monster Mac becuase my pattern of use really exploits it. Others I've spoken to would find the hard disk more useful. Fortunately, I don't have to choose and, warts aside, like both products. Disclaimer: The above comments are my personal opinions. They are not necessarily shared by anyone else, nor endorsed by anyone else.
korn@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU (Peter "Arrgh" Korn) (11/07/85)
You saw that an SCSI interface is on it's way, no? How much is this supposed to cost, and when does Levco expect to have it available? I know of a 60 Meg 20 msec drive available for $1,500 I'd like to use w/my mac (in one of the Bytes a friend has). for $2,400, that would make one awesome machine out of an already good one. --- --- /~^~\ /^^ || || --- Peter Korn |* *|----------\ /- ----- -/ = \ korn@Berkeley.LotsONets | | | | | | | | !ucbvax!korn ( = )_ ____ _/ \___________|\ /| \_/ || || ^^/ \___/ --- --- None of the above opinions/ideas/expressions/mannerisms/etc. are those of whoever I might supposedly be representing (except possibly myself, of course, and even then there's some room for doubt).
roy@nlm-vax.ARPA (Roy Standing) (11/09/85)
In a previous message I mentioned that Levco is coming out with a SCSI hard disk interface that will plug into their Monster Mac 2Meg board. I didn't say anything about price or other options. With apologies for omitting it before: 1. Levco demonstrated a prototype board at the MacWorld Expo in Boston last August. In other words, I saw it working. 2. In my last conversation with Levco they said that the board would be released in December. One thing delaying its introduction is the connector for their Monster Mac board. The Mac cardcage was designed for a single card. There is, barely, room to mount a piggyback board as all of the RAM upgrades do. The backend of Levco's board is laidout to take a connector, this lines up beneath an openning in the metal frame of the mac. To my eyes, putting the connector in and still being able to slide the motherboard/Monster Mac board in and out of the cardcage will require a VERY low profile connector. In any case, Levco reported that they were having trouble sourcing a connector at a reasonable price. 3. The person I spoke to gave me a price of 'under' $1,000.00. This seemed high but it was unclear whether a drive was included. He did say the pricing was still being discussed. --- 4. Levco has a policy of not advertising products before they are ready to sell them. Therefore this is a rumor: they are also developing a board with serial and parallel ports. A cable to a connector plate will pass through the security opening, the connector plate will lock into the security opening. This mechanism will also be used for the hard disk product. No pricing or introduction date was available. Disclaimer: IF 'good stuff' THEN claim personal credit ELSE disown it My employers ALWAYS execute the ELSE clause. Incidently, I have no association with Levco beyond that of a customer.