garym@telesoft.UUCP (Gary Morris @shine) (11/09/85)
The following is a condensed version of a conversation that took place on MAUG (CompuServ). It describes a new native code Pascal compiler for the Mac. It sounds like a very good package at a reasonable price. I called and got their flyer but it doesn't say any more that what's below. Except that it did claim "Compilation Speed: Floppy Disk - up to 1000 LPM, Hard Disk - up to 3000 LPM". If anyone out there in net land has used it, how fast does it really compile? "up to 1000" could mean many things. The compiler is available from: TML Systems, PO Box 361626, Melbourne, FL 32936 (305) 242-1873. --GaryM ---- Gary A. Morris -- USENET : ...{decvax,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!telesoft!garym CompuServ: 76317,520 TeleMail : GMorris/TeleSoft Voice : (619) 457-2700 x250 "Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it." -- Lazarus Long ---------------------- #: 10642 S1/Languages & Tools 24-Oct-85 20:46:04 Sb: #10633-#TML Systems Pascal Fm: Mike Hartman 73075,1171 To: Mark Denyse 74776,755 (X) I have seen TML Pascal and talked extensively with someone who has been using it. Very solid betas have been shipping, with changes being more enhancements than bug fixes. It is highly language compatible with Lisa Pascal, though it does not yet support Units. It will also handle ROM calls in the Mac Pascal InLine, etc. forms. Most of the examples shipped with the Software Supplement will compile unchanged (including some of the more complex ones). The Mac Interface includes not only the ROM routines but also the additional routines supported for Lisa Pascal. Compiler output can be MDS assembler source or native code. All top level procedures are XDEFed, so it is actually fairly each to do what amounts to separate compilation. The REL files are MDS compatible, so you can use such things as MacinTalk. I think another indication of the product's robustness is that MacExpress, the application shell, is available in TML Pascal. Mike Hartman #: 10741 S1/Languages & Tools 26-Oct-85 12:28:48 Sb: #10692-#TML Systems Pascal Fm: Jack Howarth 75335,1410 To: Dennis Brothers/Sysop 76703,2067 (X) Dennis, I just got my copy of the TML compiler and I am very impressed. Tom Leonard did a very fine job on this product. The compiler can produce asm or rel files and the RMaker can be used before or after linking. The compiler/linker are fast and the transfer menus are well done throughout keeping the developer at arms length of the finder at all times. Can't wait for full docs in 2 weeks, but the docs on disk and well commented source examples help to get the feet wet. I hope Tom starts using his CIS access so we can all keep up to date on the smart linker for this system. Bravo, Tom! Jack #: 10858 S1/Languages & Tools 28-Oct-85 09:57:23 Sb: TML Pascal status Fm: Neal Stephenson 70317,2530 To: all Here is the scoop on TML Pascal as of 9:45 a.m. Pacific time Monday. They are shipping their .9 version as fast as they can get it copied. The difference between the .9 version and the official release version is that (1)it lacks part of the printer driver, specifically, the part of the writeln command that deals with floating point numbers, and (2) the documentation is on disk instead of paper. They have already sold out their first batch of this .9 and are expecting their next batch wit within the next day or two; I ordered one this morning and was told to expect it by the end of the week. The cost is $99.95 plus $5.00 sh shipping. Within a couple of weeks the documentation will arrive from the printer and at that time they will ship the 1.0 version, which will include full printer driver and fixes of any bugs that may show up between now and then. They will send the documentation to everyone who has bought the .9 version, plus an update disk. The reason they are shipping now instead of waiting for the last details is, of course, the high demand. PS: the guy who answered the phone knew what he was talking about, i.e. he was a programmer, not a Kelly girl. #: 10877 S1/Languages & Tools 28-Oct-85 17:55:02 Sb: #TML Pascal Fm: Tom Leonard 76324,521 To: all Well rumor had it that the TML Systems Pascal compiler for the Mac was getting some message traffic here so I thought I would check in and say hello. I'm new at this CompuServe stuff so I hope this comes out in the right place. In any case I'm Tom Leonard, the developer of the MacLanguage Series Pascal compiler (better known as TML Pascal it seems), and I thought I'd leave a personal message about the compiler. Current status: A release version 0.9 is currently being made available to our customers if they would like to have it. What is missing between this version and version 1.0 to come very shortly is primarily its printed doc documentation. In addition, the interface file to the Macintosh printing manager and the part of SANE not built into the compiler are not delivered. Version 1.0 will of course solve all of these problems As for the product, it is a native code Pascal compiler which runs on the Macintosh 512K or larger or an XL with 1Meg (MacWorks takes up too much memory for a 512K XL) It is MDS compatible both in .ASM and .REL file output. The compiler is bundled with MDS Edit, Link, and RMaker, and the MacinTalk speech synthesizer, Font/DA Mover, and in 1.0 the 2 AppleTalk drivers. Complete access is provide to QuickDraw, ToolBox Operating System, Packages, Fixed-Point Math, 3D QuickDraw, MacinTalk, AppleTalk, etc. (the interface files are the Lisa Pascal files slightly modified for an include file mechanism rather than Units, although Units will eventually be available later this fall) The co compiler has 3 modes of compilation: (1) create stand-alone, double-clickable Macintosh Applications, (2) create stand-alone, double-clickable "Plain Vanilla" applications (using readln/writeln window provided by compiler), and (3) create desk accessories. One final note.... the compiler is written in Pascal and compiles itself. Well, that's it for now, Tom.... #: 10882 S1/Languages & Tools 28-Oct-85 18:18:06 Sb: #TML Pascal Fm: Tom Leonard 76324,521 To: all Thought I'd leave some benchmarks reported by a beta user to me. using the TML Pascal. Sieve = 6.6 secs. Ackermann(3,6) = 7.6 secs. Whetstone = 32.1 secs. Note that the Ackermann benchmark is faster than a VAX 11/750! (9.42 secs for VAX!) Tom..... -- Gary A. Morris -- USENET : ...{decvax,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!telesoft!garym CompuServ: 76317,520 TeleMail : GMorris/TeleSoft Voice : (619) 672-1173 or (619) 457-2700 x250 "Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it." -- Lazarus Long