shulman@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeff Shulman) (11/16/85)
Delphi Digest Friday, 15 Nov 1985 Volume 1 : Issue 8 Today's Topics: RE: PICT creation (Re: Msg 3209) fkey RE: fkey (Re: Msg 3255) Drafting Software RE: Drafting Software (Re: Msg 3258) RE: Drafting Software (Re: Msg 3258) marques Dialog problem RE: Dialog problem (Re: Msg 3266) Finder 5.0 Haba 800k drives switcher question ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BILLCOX (3257) Subject: RE: PICT creation (Re: Msg 3209) Date: 13-NOV 20:26 Programming the following works (translate unix 'gremlin' files to the mac, for display, edit, print of my graphs: I open the gremlin file (text, for what it's worth) OpenPicture(...) ShowPen() so I can see while it's drawing quickdraw calls to draw picture, translated from a similar conceptual model (for example, gremlin uses topRIGHT and bottom LEFT for a rectangle) ClosePicture() PutScrap(..) as a PICT I can then go into MacDraw, and paste, and I get the 512x512 image that I started out with on Unix. Some things I didn't know (and probably everyone else does) ALL drawing calls are captured in the picture. I didn't check whether a SetPort() is recorded, but I believe it is not. Woe befall he or she who doesn't include your C compiler's version of memory.h! Using the result of GetHandle is VERY entertaining if your compiler thinks the result is 16 bits...I used thePicture = (PicHandle)NewHandle(...), so didn't get a warning. I guess it just doesn't pay to always use explicit casts... It was less tedious than I though to build a reasonably complete, usable program on the mac. This was my first. bill p.s. I'm now changing my application (easier to debug) into a desk accessory so I can use it in MacDraw. p.p.s. If anyone wants it when it's finished, they can have it...won't be much use without a Berklix system, though. ------------------------------ From: JIMH (3255) Subject: fkey Date: 13-NOV 20:06 Programming Lofty - At macworld dan cocran said that apple had reserved all fkeys from 1-9 he did say something about leaving others for everyone else. I thought it was command option - whatever but i dont remember. Do you know if you can have fkeys besides command shift (1-9) jim hopper ------------------------------ From: LOFTUSBECKER (3280) Subject: RE: fkey (Re: Msg 3255) Date: 14-NOV 07:15 Programming Well, command-shift-0 is another. I didn't know there were more (and don't think I'll believe it until I see it). But Apple just sent out a Tech Note on FKEYs, which doesn't say don't use 'em, and knows that one publisher (Dreams of the Phoenix) is about to release an FKEY Installer and a whole bundle of nifty FKEYs. ------------------------------ From: GYRO (3258) Subject: Drafting Software Date: 13-NOV 20:53 Business Mac Hi. I don't own a Macintosh, in fact I don't even own (or use) a computer yet. However, people (the person looking over my shoulder) tell me that the Mac is *de rigeur* for part of my job. I work for a furniture store chain and am in charge of merchandising, i.e. I have to plan store layouts and make things look good. This means I have someone doing substantial amounts of drafting work. Does anyone know of good drafting software that will make all this drudgery go away like my friend so rashly promises?? Thanking you all in advance... Betty ------------------------------ From: PEABO (3264) Subject: RE: Drafting Software (Re: Msg 3258) Date: 13-NOV 22:20 Business Mac Betty, There is MacDraw, from Apple ... work pretty well on a 512K Mac. What I have heard is that MacDraft, from IDD, is better than MacDraw for serious drafting ... among other things, it can rotate objects in 1 degree increments on the screen, rather than just in 90 degree incremenets, and has some useful features for autodimensioning things. As you might guess though, there are some things that MacDraw does better ... I have not used MacDraft, but you can reach the company at Innovative Data Design, Inc (IDD) 1975 Willow Pass Rd, Suite 8 Concord, CA 94520 (415) 680-6818 MacDraw is available at most or all Apple dealers. peter ------------------------------ From: INTECO (3282) Subject: RE: Drafting Software (Re: Msg 3258) Date: 14-NOV 12:39 Business Mac I have used MacDraft for some weeks now and I can state that it is much superior over MacDraw, which I own, too. Beside the point that Peter mentioned: You can specify circles and arcs bei radius (3 pt). You have a very fast Zoom, (also a Zoom-In which gives easier input facility). The size specification of objects is better (you can specify Grid values). Although MacDraft still lacks some important facilities (input a point on a specified coordinate, ect), it is real successor to MacDraw ( and I see nothiung which it don't have what MacDraw has ...) - ugo ------------------------------ From: DAVEWARKER (3259) Subject: marques Date: 13-NOV 21:21 Programming Does anyone know how to produce that nifty moving marque that MacPaint gives for selection rectangles? I really need assembly code but any info would be a help. Thanks in advance...Dave Warker. ------------------------------ From: RABBIT (3266) Subject: Dialog problem Date: 13-NOV 23:15 Programming I am interested if anyone has experienced a problem using alerts when, they have used FSPufFile to select a drive to save a file on. My program is having the following trouble. When a user selects the Save as... option from the file menu, I call SFPutFile to prompt the user for the name to save the file under. Then, if I get an error -48, which indicates to me that a file already exists, I open the file and call GetFileInfo to find out the type of the file. If the file is text, I erase the file and continue with saving it. If it is a non text file, I call CautionAlert to display an alert box, asking the user if he wishes to delete the file. This works fine, when I select the startup volume, as the one to save the file under. But, when I try o save it on a non default volume, the dialog box does not come up.. I have checked the code with the debugger and cautionAlert is getting called. In additon, it appears like the dialog box is "trying" to come out but can't . The alert beeps occur.. In addition, after this happens, all my free memory is gone, I can't open any more windows or dialogs.. It appears as if by doing this alert call it is allocating a block equal to my free memory.. This problem has been driving me crazy! I would appreciate any help or ideas anyone may have. After a week of trying, I am so frustrated, my Mac is sitting in a corner idle... Scott ------------------------------ From: JOSEF (3296) Subject: RE: Dialog problem (Re: Msg 3266) Date: 15-NOV 02:37 Programming Your problem sounds exactly like the one I experienced when I first tried to use the SF package. Clicking the DRIVE button in the SFPutFile dialog box does *NOT* change the default volume. You must either do this yourself, or append the volume name(followed by a colon) to your filename before attempting to access the file. Hope this helps. -- Joe ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH (3276) Subject: Finder 5.0 Date: 14-NOV 02:43 When All Else Fails I've run some benchmarks that prove what seemed to be true using Finder 5.0: Quitting from applications is substantially faster than with Finder 4.1. This is on a HyperDrive using the standard 4.1 System file. Copying files from floppy seems to be faster (a little), but other tasks (open, save as) seem to be the same on the two Finders. There are a number of other nice features to Finder 5.0: - Put Away option - can now copy many files when viewing by name without crashing - view by "small icons" lets you jam in more to a window, while keeping graphics and the display of empty space on the disk. - launching a program from a floppy disk containing a Finder and System does NOT change the startup disk! Testing of the HyperDrive cache software shows a small 10-20% gain in speed (as they indeed claimed) over not using the cache. This added to the Finder 5.0 performance improvements or to Finder 4.1 performance equally. Ric Ford MacInTouch ------------------------------ From: HSTARR (3277) Subject: Haba 800k drives Date: 14-NOV 03:43 Hardware & Peripherals I have been using a Haba 800k external floppy, and find that it is quite good. The drive is fairly quiet in operation, but has a terrible grind on long seeks. It 'feels' faster than the normal drive (xfer and access). There appears to be no problems with the finder or apple system s/ware. Beware, however, Hyperdrive Backup is full of bugs driving these fellows. The drive initializes any floppy to 800k, so beware of flaky media if you use single sided stuff. The drive is packaged in a slim line case, and is about half the height of a normal external drive. It has a manual eject button as well. This appears to be quite a solid drive, and at around $399 is not bad value ------------------------------ From: ROWLAND (3295) Subject: switcher question Date: 15-NOV 00:29 When All Else Fails I'm trying to run SlideShowMagician V1.3 under switcher (as they recommend). I can get it to run OK, except that the screen disappears when I switch to another application and back (the desktop remains with menu items, and the program still works because I can select something by feel and as soon as the screen is redrawn everything is fine till the next switch). I had the same problem with ThinkTank512 and I thought I solved it there by using the latest version of switcher and more space . However none of those solutions seems to work for SSM. What am I doing wrong with switcher ? .Mike ------------------------------ End of Delphi Digest ********************