[net.micro.mac] Delphi Digest Volume 1 Issue 9

shulman@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeff Shulman) (11/19/85)

Delphi Digest          Monday, 18 Nov 1985      Volume 1 : Issue 9

Today's Topics:
     RE: Drafting Software (Re: Msg 3326)
     MacDraft quirk
     RE: Usenet Digest Volume 1 Issue 6 (Re: Msg 3159)
     RE: Usenet Digest Volume 1 Issue 8 (Re: Msg 3301)
     RE: Usenet Digest Volume 1 Issue 8 (Re: Msg 3301)
     RE: pictures (Re: Msg 3377)
     RE: pictures (Re: Msg 3397)
     Big Memory

From: MACINTOUCH (3360)
Subject: RE: Drafting Software (Re: Msg 3326)
Date: 16-NOV 16:33 Business Mac
There are some significant disadvantages to MacDraft.
- It requires 512K and cannot be used in Switcher with MacPaint as can MacDraw.
- Bitmaps pasted from MacPaint cannot be resized by the handles.
- There is no reduce to fit option.
- MacDraft is copy-protected. MacDraw isn't.
In addition, although rotation of some objects is supported, rotation
of bitmaps and text can only be done in 90 degrees increments.
MacDraft also works differently in the way one selects and manipulates objects.
Some may find it easier, others will find it harder than MacDraw.
I think each program has uses it's better suited for...
Ric Ford MacInTouch


From: MACMAG (3320)
Subject: MacDraft quirk
Date: 15-NOV 23:03 Bugs & Features
If you happen to try printing files created by MacDraft on the Laser, be
We had this perticular file we wanted printed. We chose the print
command and all was fine... 2... 3... 5... 10... 30 minutes go by, no
printing, no errors, no messages. The yellow light on the Laser keeps
flickering.. " Must be a pretty complica ted drawing " we told
ourselves, so we waited a bit more. After 45 minutes, still no
picture. We then just gave up. After ejecting the disks, we noticed
that they were Locked!! We simply unlocked them and the file printed
rather quickly.
Morality: When you print, leave the disks unlocked, otherwise it won't
print and your machine won't tell you why.


From: ASMCOR (3308)
Subject: RE: Usenet Digest Volume 1 Issue 6 (Re: Msg 3159)
Date: 15-NOV 22:06 Mousing Around
To reply to Phil Polli -

You can use the application PRAM here in the database to modify the
baud rate of the ports... try that.  Jan

[PRAM was posted to Usenet a few weeks ago - JSS]


From: ASMCOR (3331)
Subject: RE: Usenet Digest Volume 1 Issue 8 (Re: Msg 3301)
Date: 16-NOV 00:25 Mousing Around
Reply to Tom Milligan -

When using dialog boxes in a DA you must be careful.  In order for the
system to pass you your events, your DA's reference number must be in
the windowKind field of the window, BUT the dialog manager expects all
dialog windows to be marked as dialogKind (2).  In order to insure
that dialog manager calls will work, you must mark the windowKind
field of the window as dialogKind before calling the dialog manager,
then re-mark it with the dCtlRefNum when you are done. Fun Huh?  Jan


From: NANOCHIP (3361)
Subject: RE: Usenet Digest Volume 1 Issue 8 (Re: Msg 3301)
Date: 16-NOV 16:47 Mousing Around
MacDraw Print problem:
For Bob Suyehara:
  I too have encountered the bug in  MacDraw (v1.7) which messes up the
document printing as relates to page orientation.  I believe it occurs
when the user changes from the default page orientation (Wide) to Tall Adjusted
and then changes *back* to Wide. I did the above and had a document that would
print in wide orienataion but was selecting the pages in vertical strips (!)
(kindof a wierd mutant of both formats!), and leaving lots of side margin too.
 The only way I know to avoid the problem is to use the "Save As" menu
command to make up 'practice' docs as you go along. Use these to change
the orientation of your drawing. This way you can see if the presentation
could be better suited using a different view; it also helps avoid page breaks
at critical locations. But remember, once you change from the default, you
will not be able to change back without encountering the same problem (as far
as I've seen in limited instances). It does seem OK to reduce the *size* of
the drawing, or print at 50%.
Wish I knew of a *fix* for your doc, but I learned the hard way too <sigh>.


From: HSTARR (3372)
Subject: TMON
Date: 17-NOV 01:09 Programming
Has anyone come up with, or seen, or know of a fix to TMON when running on
HyperDrives with their big system heap causing the 'A000' trap recognition code
to malfunction (damage the monitor)?????


From: DAS (3377)
Subject: pictures
Date: 17-NOV 04:43 Programming
When drawing pictures how does one eliminate the rectangular border
that is laid down first? Does drawPicture() make a call to
eraseRect()? If so must I NOP out the picture code someplace in the
picture definition? I am creating the picture in MacPaint, copying it
into the scrapbook using the lasso, and then using ResEdit to transfer
it into my own res file. MacPaint can do it, why can't I?  Any help
would be appreciated. [DAS]


From: ASMCOR (3397)
Subject: RE: pictures (Re: Msg 3377)
Date: 17-NOV 15:59 Programming
This is just an idea, haven't tried it, but perhaps you could change the
transfer mode to srcOr or srcXOR hmm?


From: DAS (3417)
Subject: RE: pictures (Re: Msg 3397)
Date: 17-NOV 23:46 Programming
The unfortunate part of these two transfer modes (srcXor and srcOr) is
that if there is anything behind them it tens to show thru. This is
not what I am looking for. I want what Video Works calls a matte
affect. You would think that pictures would be ideal for this kind of
work since it is supposedly making low level calls like paintroundrect
which does'nt draw a rectangle around the thing.  (I meant paintoval
but still same idea.) Same with paintpoly you just get an arbitrary
shape on TOP of an arbitrary background. Oh well...


From: MACLAIRD (3386)
Subject: Big Memory
Date: 17-NOV 11:01 Hardware & Peripherals
Has anyone got any info on the 2 MByte main storage upgrades for
Lisa/XL? I have found a couple of sources, and probably can justify
the need, but I don't really want to give myself quite that big a
Christmas present.
What with the MegaMac upgrades coming within reach of us mere mortals, I can't
see any reason the Lisa cards shouldn't too.
My interest was also piqued by a comment in Macazine about _Four_
Megabyte cards for the Lisa expansion slots.  I would assume this was
a RamDisk only, much like the Dasch.  Such items require an absolutely
positively uninterruptable power supply, or a lot of luck!  Of course,
we haven't had a power outage here since the hurricane hit in Sept. --
musta shaken down all the shakey lines.
I'd appreciate any words of wisdom, experience, or just plain opinions.


End of Delphi Digest

awd@ut-ngp.UUCP (Andrew W. Donoho) (11/19/85)

No one at ICOM Simulations (the makers of TMON) was aware that there
is any compatibility problem with big system heaps or with
Hyperdrives.  If you could be more specific about the problem it might
help??  I will try to get to a HyperDrive and if I find a fix, I will
include it in the next version of my TMON Extended User Area (which I
will post some time in the next couple of weeks.)

Darin Adler