krm (10/25/82)
>From the turnaround time of Andy Tannenbaum's news arts and mail I have
come to the decision that no human can spend as much time on the machine
as trb does. Thus, trb is simply an artificial intelligence project by bell
labs in the form of a deamon who constantly reads mail and news in order
to interact (read harass) with innocent hackers.
You bet I'll sign my name.
The Great Pavod (would you believe Vall?)
thomas (10/26/82)
I believe in trb (I've met him - he's a very cleverly constructed humanoid robot), but not in Lauren Weinstein. (Somebody care to pull the Lauren project discussion out of the Human Nets archive?) =Spencer
lmg (10/28/82)
You shouldn't say such things about Lauren Weinstein if you don't know her personally. Larry Geary Bell Labs, Holmdel ...npois!houxi!hosbc!lmg
epstein (10/28/82)
What does trb stand for? The New Republic has a column called TRB, and I can't figger out what that means. Anyone know?
trb (10/28/82)
[To get the proper effect here, pipe this message thru speak.] OK, OK, you guys, now you've gone too far. All this talk about me being a humanoid AI creature has really gotten to me. (I'm written in FORTRAN, and all that self-referential stuff had me hung for a while.) There may be truth to some of this AI flaming, people accuse me of being artificially intelligent more often than they accuse me of being naturally intelligent. Please... Lauren... Hellp mee... Automatically, Andy Tannenbaum Bell Labs Whippany, NJ (201) 386-6491
reid (10/28/82)
I don't know Lauren Weinstein, either, but I agree that remarks like that aren't in the best taste. I don't really think that being called an arti- ficial intelligence project is outrageously insulting, but the motives that might have prompted it might be.... Since this *is* net.jokes, did you hear about the guy who was so sick that he turned to the almighty Deity for assistance? Well, His Honor said, "Just take two extra-strength Tylenol and I'll see you in the morning...." Hmfoo Sfje ....tfjtnp!vxwby!sfje
wolit (10/28/82)
Andy, is there any truth to the rumor that rather than type "cd /usr/trb", you say "A.T. phone $HOME"?
dave (10/29/82)
trb really stands for "tribble". Andy is really an offshoot of Star Trek.