[net.micro.mac] Nibble Mac

chuq@sun.uucp (Chuq Von Rospach) (12/02/85)

I finally found a copy of "Nibble Mac" which is supposed to be a new techie
oriented magazine for the Mac. It is a sister publication of the "Nibble"

When I owned an Apple II, I found Nibble to be a very frustrating magazine. 
It has lots of programs and source code, but the programs tend to be very
primative (and in basic). Unfortunately, from the issue I saw (V1 #2) these
traditions are continued into the Mac version. There is a lot of code, but the
programs implemented seem to be of questionable value. They all require
Microsoft Basic 2.0, and looking at the code makes me thing they were written
by highly motivated amateurs (in other words, hard to understand). 

If you have Basic, and if you're looking for a place that will be shipping a
lot of code for you to read looking for the cute tricks that make programming
any machine fun, Nibble Mac is probably for you. For anyone else, you'll
probably find little of use in the magazine. 
:From catacombs of Castle Tarot:        Chuq Von Rospach 
sun!chuq@decwrl.DEC.COM                 {hplabs,ihnp4,nsc,pyramid}!sun!chuq

Let us now take the sacred oath. As of now, he is no longer an elephant!