gjb@unirot.UUCP (Greg Brail) (12/15/85)
I have been wondering if there are any decent Pascal compilers for the Mac. I know of MacPascal, but that's interpreted. I also know of a p-system, but I forget who makes it. Is there a good Pascal compiler for the Mac that produces object code? Even something that compiles MacPascal would work fine. I wouldn't mind sticking with MacPascal for development, then compiling it when I'm done (or when I'm sick of waiting :-). If such a product exists, could someone send me a pointer. Thanks in advance. -Greg -- -------------- Greg Brail (Greg @ The Soup Kitchen) UUCP : ..{ihnp4,seismo,harvard,ut-sally,allegra}!caip!unirot!gjb ARPA : unirot!gjb@caip.rutgers.edu USNAIL : Don't bother.
abe@pucc-j (Vic Abell) (12/18/85)
In article <246@unirot.UUCP> gjb@unirot.UUCP (Greg Brail) writes: > > I have been wondering if there are any decent Pascal >compilers for the Mac. . . There is an excellent Pascal development system for the Macintosh available from TML Systems. I haven't found anything described in Chernicoff's books that can be done on the Lisa development system that can't be done with TML Pascal. It's reasonably priced, comes with the standard MDS editor, linker, Rmaker and lots of examples. It costs $99.95 + $5.00 shipping. You can order it from: TML Systems P. O. Box 361626 Melbourne, FL 32936 (305) 242-1873 Vic Abell, abe@asc.purdue.edu, ...|pur-ee!pucc-j!abe
dws@tolerant.UUCP (Dave W. Smith) (12/18/85)
In article <246@unirot.UUCP> gjb@unirot.UUCP (Greg Brail) writes: > I have been wondering if there are any decent Pascal >compilers for the Mac. ... > -Greg Though I have not tried it personally, I've seen things done with TML Pascal, and talked with people who've converted large LisaPascal programs to TML (and were very happy with the results). Also, MacTutor magazine thinks enough of TML to sell it directly (as well as printing some articles about how to do interesting things in TML). Sorry, no address handy, though you should be able to find one in either MacTutor, MacWorld, or MacUser. -- David W. Smith {nsc,ucbvax}!tolerant!dws Tolerant Systems, Inc. 408/946-5667 [Standard Disclaimer]
gjb@unirot.UUCP (Greg Brail) (12/22/85)
In response to my query about Pascal compilers for the Mac, I received several responses, all of which recommended one compiler, the MacLanguage series, from: TML Systems PO Box. 361626 Melbourne, FL 32936 (305) 242-1873 For $99.95 + $5.00 shipping, the compiler is claimed to produce real object code or Apple MDS assembler output, has full toolbox support, and will create desk accessories. It compiles at 1000 lines/minute, and is said to be compatible with Mac and Lisa Pascal, although someone claimed this was not entirely true. It also supports "3D QuickDraw" and "Macintalk speech synthesis," according to one user. As far as benchmarks are comcerned, another user claimed that it compiles about as fast as MegaMax or Consulair C, and produces about the same size code, and runs at about the same speed. However, the floating point benchmark, which ran in 268.22 seconds on Aztec C (the fastest C) ran in 149.03 sec. in TML Pascal, and the QuickSort ran in 18 sec, while most Cs clocked in at over 60. The program comes with MDS Edit, MDS linker, a resource editor (resedit), sample sources, and about 400 pgs. of documentation (which has no index.) It also has no copy protection or secondaryt licensing fees. This sounds like a good product which is worth the money. So far, no one has mentioned any serious shortcomings or bugs. I think I might buy a copy. ---------- As usual, I have absolutely nothing to do with TML Systems. I'm just telling you what I heard. -Greg -- -------------- Greg Brail (Greg @ The Soup Kitchen) UUCP : ..{ihnp4,seismo,harvard,ut-sally,allegra}!caip!unirot!gjb ARPA : unirot!gjb@caip.rutgers.edu USNAIL : Don't bother.
franka@mmintl.UUCP (Frank Adams) (12/27/85)
In article <257@unirot.UUCP> gjb@unirot.UUCP (Greg Brail) writes: > For $99.95 + $5.00 shipping, the compiler is claimed to > produce real object code or Apple MDS assembler output, has > full toolbox support, and will create desk accessories. A compiler which creates desk accessories! What will they think of next? :-) Frank Adams ihpn4!philabs!pwa-b!mmintl!franka Multimate International 52 Oakland Ave North E. Hartford, CT 06108