[net.misc] Coca-Cola Addition

csc (10/27/82)

I have noticed that Coca-Cola is mentioned many times in Dec Wars.
I personally am adicted to the stuff, usually "quaffing" more than
a litre of that nectar every day. Many of my friends also drink a lot of it.
1. Is this a trend in computer science? Is it because of the funny, l-o-n-g
   hours hackers put in?
2. Does anyone out there know of any REAL studies of the dangerous effects
   of large doses of caffeine, or Coca-Cola?
					It's the Real Thing!

debenedi (11/02/82)

If anyone would like the "inside scoop" on caffeine there are two very good
sources of information.

One is an article the appeared in an issue of Consumer Reports about a year ago.
You can probably locate it through the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature.
The article told of the dangers of caffeine (mostly for pregnant women ---
who should probably not take ANY (yes ANY) drugs without a doctor's permission).
It also listed the amounts of caffeine in various products.  Dr. Pepper and
Mt. Dew topped the list with 51 mg. caffeine per 12 oz. can.  Sunkist had 42;
Pepsi had around 37; and Coke had about 34.  For comparison: one No-Doz tablet
has 100 mg. caffeine.

The other source of information is the Consumers Union Report on Licit and
Illicit Drugs by Edward M. Brecher and the Editors of Consumers Reports.
The book has a nice chapter on caffeine.  Overall, the book is  EXCELLENT .
It takes the sanest, most rational approach to drugs that I've ever seen.
Anyone who has any views on Drug Policy should read this book.  It's only
flaw is that it was printed in 1972.  However, its most salient characteristic
is its historical viewpoint.  Read this book. (** End of Proselytizing **)

Robert DeBenedictis